Chapter 18 "Fly high"

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I was packing frantically in my room, trying to get everything into my suitcase, when my mother barged in. Good thing the clothes I chose to bring were already packed.

"Come on Jakes here to pick you up! He's already got Emily, they're waiting on you." She said to me. I think she was excited to have no children to take care of, than I was going on my dream vacation. I still don't know how on earth I got cleared to go but, something's are left unknown in this world.

"Is Greg ready?" She nodded. "Can you have him come grab my bag?" I asked, failing and lifting it up to its wheels.

"Greg!"She yelled, he immediately came. I think he's excited too. "Will you please take her bag to Jakes car?" He nodded and took it away with no problem. A little boy is stronger than me. Maybe he's not so little anymore, he is 12.

I followed him out to the car, everyone else was already buckled up and everything. The trunk was packed.

"Whose ready for the best week of our unfortunates lives?" I asked as I sat down in the back seat with Greg.

"My life's pretty decent." Greg said, kicking his little feet up.

"Whatever, let's go." I said, tapping Jakes shoulder. He stepped on the gas and we waved goodbye.

Once we got to the airport, Jake dropped us off to check the baggage while he went to park. Emily and I let Greg carry all of the bags. He seemed to like showing off and being the muscles of the group. After the luggage was ticketed, we waited for Jake. He came along minutes later.

"Shall we go through security?" He said, motioning towards the line. We nodded and followed him. Once we got to the ticket pass, Jake and Emily went first. Then after trailed me and Greg.

"iD please." He said, I handed him my online school ID.

"Do you not have a permit or license to drive?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Airports scare me sometimes. I shook my head, and he let me through anyways.

Once I took off my jacket and shoes to send them through the detector with my bag, I heard both the carry on machine and the human machine thing beep. I looked up and Jake jerked back and put his hands up.

"What's in the bag!" A man said, pointing a weapon at him.

"Medication! It's medication! Prescription. Also I have a hip replacement." He added, lifting up his shirt to show his scar. I saw a TSA agent look through his bag then nod to the man who had his eye on Jake.

"I'm gonna have to pat you down sir." He said to Jake motioning for him to follow after him. He shrugged and followed him. I didn't get to see his pat down because I had to go through the machine next. Likewise I double alarmed too.

"I have prescription syringes and stuff and a port." I said, putting my hands in the air. They probably think were like a terrorist group or something. I went for a pat down after my bag was cleared. A female guard came for my pat down. Emily's port rang up too, so she awaited for her screening in line behind me.

After all of us except for Greg had been violated, we met up at the Starbucks by our gate. Luckily we didn't have to take the handicap scooter shuttle.

"Do you want anything Greg?" I asked, knowing he normally doesn't get coffee, but I want this trip to be special for him too.

"I want a frappe." He replied, spinning around in circles. Once I got to the front of the line I ordered for Greg and I.

"I would like a kids white hot chocolate please and he would like a small frappe." The bistro lady gave me a weird look.

"Are you under twelve?" She said bitching about me wanting a kids cocoa.

"No." I said slightly offended.

"Then you can't have a kids beverage." She said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Fine then my little brother will have the fricking cocoa and I'll take the frappe." I told her snapping back. "Please." I added tilting my head and putting my hand on my hip.

Once the drinks were ready, I grabbed them and made sure the awful lady saw me drink the cocoa.

"Shall we board the plane?" Jake asked me and Emily.

"Yeah, they just called boarding for people who 'may need extra time.'" We all just scanned our tickets and we were the first on the plane, other than a little girl who was flying as an unaccompanied minor. She glanced up like she was going to say something, but then decided against it. Fine with me. She seemed to be about Greg's age.

"Can I sit alone?" Greg asked me. There were rows of three, and then we had a single seat towards the back.

"Sure just don't be rude and stay out of trouble. Wait for us right when we get off the plane, then we'll walk into the airport together." He nodded and then skipped to the back of the plane.

"Can we watch a movie or something on your iPad Em? I have a 3 way head phone splitter." I asked Emily, as she sat in the window seat, I took the middle and Jake settled in the aisle.

You don't have to turn your devices all the way off anymore, just on airplane mode. On Emily's iPad she had two movies, mean girls and American pie. After Jakes protest on already seeing mean girls twice as much as any man should have to, we settled on American pie. Not the most appropriate movie, but I feel like it's an okay movie for 3 basically 17 year olds to watch.

Half way through the movie I decided to go check on Greg. I made Jake get up and then I walked back. I peered into Greg's seat and he was hitting it up with the unaccompanied minor. I decided not to disrupt his game.

I went back to my seat to fill in Jake and Emily.

"Oh my god guess what!" I said, sitting down in my seat,

"What?" Emily asked. She's a bit more of a gossip than Jake.

"Remember that little girl who's an unaccompanied minor?" They nodded."That little weasel Greg took the solo seat so he could sit right next to her. They're like playing cards and listening to music. I think they were even sharing a freaking juice box." I told them, not exactly sure how I was feeling.

"Reminds me of our first date." Jake said, leaning in to kiss me.

"Get a room."Emily remarked, shaking her head.

"Quicky in the bathroom?" Jake asked me, pretending to get up.

"Shut up. You wish." I replied. After the movie was over the plane landed in aspen. On Saturdays they offer direct flights.

"Holy crap I can't believe this is actually happening." Emily said as we stood up to deplane.

"Ditto." I said. "That's my new word of the day. I didn't know it meant me too until this morning."

"Congrats sweetie." Jake said sarcastically.


We waited for Greg to get off of the plane, he was holding hands with the girl. Must have been one eventful plane ride. They hugged and she left with a flight attendant.

"Dude tell me you at least got her digits." Jake said, all manly.

"I'm not an beginner. I also just gave her my digits I didn't give them to her friend to pass on to her." Greg said, like he's got game. He was referring to how Jake and I got with each other. Jake turned to him.

"Yeh little bro but I bet you didn't get much of this with that chick." He said, pulling me in for a kiss.

"Her names Abby first of all, and the trip is just beginning. She's staying at our hotel too." He said, beginning to walk towards the interior of the airport.

I called the inn to let them know that our plane landed, and to request shuttle service for the near future.

We waited and collected the bags. There are only two baggage claims at aspen, DENVER and NOT DENVER. Greg didn't really help, he was too busy smiling at his phone. I'm just assuming that he is texting with Abby.

The shuttle came and we went outside to board the mini bus, off to begin our adventure. On our way to the hotel we saw how many people were smoking marijuana, because it's legal here. We got up to seven, but it was only a short ride.

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