We nodded.

"Alright then, let's get ready!" Felik cried.

We cheered together and prepared for the big showdown.

Then Charlotte helped those who needed a war paint on their cheeks. Apparently, almost everyone wanted to be war-painted ballplayers, so they crowded around her. Olive pulled me along to get our faces smeared with the black grease too.

When it was my turn, Charlotte's smile grew brighter. She put her hand gently under my chin to hold my face. Then she brushed one stroke at a time on my cheeks, and I felt like I had been blessed by a goddess before going to war.

"Good luck, Darci," she said as her gaze lingered on mine.

"Thank you." I smiled back. "I'm going to need it."

Then the whistle blew.

The Rangers ran onto the field. They looked cocky and relaxed as they warmed up. They were undefeated all season and had several really hot players according to Olive. And hot in both sense of the word. Rumor has it that one of their players had turned down modeling offer for this sport. I didn't know if we could beat that kind of passion.

Their players took their positions on the field. And there we were, a bunch of nervous, late-coming Rejects.

"Yes! Bravo! Moya komanda!!!" Mitko shrieked from the crowd.

So the first half-time of the Grand Final started with the Red Thorns versus the Royal Rangers.


The first three innings, we already had bruises on our bruises. We sat in the dugout, exhausted and aching. Felik did his best to keep our spirits up.

"What a first half, girls. Amazing," he gushed. "You play this good without much preparation, what a team!"

We did play with all our hearts. But we played what Grigor called 'smart'. We relied on our best ever teamwork to pass the ball around extra quickly, it was as if we didn't have time to even think about it. If we missed a shot, we moved on. No biggie.

Susan and Rosie truly showed off their skills. They tagged out and blocked the runners left and right and over and under. Melissa blazed through the field in a lightning speed.

"Wow, she's like the next Ichiro!" Mitko cried.

Nora and Stefanie were like the tagging team in the wrestling match. Throwing the ball before the runner reached the homeplate. Tonya played better than any time I'd seen her. Harper was just as determined. I was almost overcome by emotions seeing them improved so much.

But the Rangers' players were seriously good with their teamwork too.

We soon noticed that the Rangers had exceptional batting skills. One of them, a left-handed girl, was almost better than Stefanie, Nora and I put together. It wasn't that she had immense strength, she was just very keen in guessing the direction of the ball, and her left-handed hit always lofted it to the left field for an easy fly ball, which drove us crazy.


She hit it again. April ran after it like mad. But even our best outfielder couldn't save it. The score runs on their team kept increasing.

"Don't worry, Olive! You can do it," Felik cried to her.

I was a bit worried that Olive might crack under pressure again, but she pulled herself together and kept her focus. She understood that even if we lost, it didn't matter.


The homerun for the Rangers again. April was pushing her ninja skills to the max. She dove sideways, leaped into the air, even jumped over the wall, trying to catch the ball. Without her, we would be a laughing stock. Twice she successfully robbed their homeruns. I was pretty sure her mom and her brother were here, cheering her with pride.

Out of Her League |Lesbian Story|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें