I got there way early, and it was going to be me alone sitting in the dugout. My eyes scanned the place. No Russian supporters. No coaches. No teammates. Just me. This was probably a truly stupid idea. But I had to go through with it. I was the Kapitan of the Rejects and the Misfits. I wouldn't let myself down this time.

I sat on the bench to adjust my long socks and tape up my boots. I did it slowly and carefully like it was a magic spell that would somehow protect me. Leaning down to my feet, I saw a pair of shoes approaching. Charlotte's shoes. I looked up.

"What are you doing here?" I said.

"I need a proper ending for my documentary," she said. She was already setting up her gear, and a Ms. Never Give Up was back on the action.

"What?" I gasped. "But there's not gonna be...I mean, what are you going to record?"

"A true leader who leads by her example," she said with a smile.

"Wait a minute," I said. "Charlotte..."

Whoops, a ball flew at me and I caught it with my glove. I turned to find Olive smiling.

"I have a feeling that I'm so needed on the field today," she said, balancing a bat on her fingers. "I don't think you can face the Grand Final all on your own."

I ran to hug her and swung her around, and we laughed ourselves silly for about five minutes.

"I saw the video. I cried like a baby watching it," she said and looked at Charlotte with a smile. "Very impressive. It was like a music video."

We put not just the good play, but hopeless bits, funny bits, silly bits. Plus shots of the parents and the fans. Mitko's feast. The stylish batting, the lucky catches, the great saves, the homeruns, and the cheering. Also clips of Felik and Grigor's speeches and victorious screams. Then just as the last music track ended, we freeze-frame on a shot of all us Rejects in a huddle together.

Charlotte and I looked at each other, and I remembered the tingling shoulder-touching and finger-brushing moments while we were making it. She smiled at me as if she was thinking the same thing. We were so proud of our tape.

I scanned the ground. The stands were starting to fill with the black and white color of the Royal Rangers' supporters. A minibus pulled up outside the change rooms. Out piled a full team of the Royal Rangers' players, plus several coaches with bags of gear like a professional team.

There was no sign of any Red Thorns supporters, let alone any other players.

"Doesn't look like anyone else is going to show," I said. "Oh well, at least everyone knows we didn't go out on a forfeit."

I could see Olive was disappointed. She'd hoped the documentary would convince someone to show up.

"We might get two or three more players if we're lucky," said Olive trying to sound positive. "Melissa was busting to play with you today."

"She promised to play for the Blue Belles," I pointed out.

"Only because she thought our team was forfeiting," Olive told me.

"But she can't break her promise now," I said. Olive winced. She knew I was right. If there was one thing Felik and Grigor had taught us it was to honor our words.

"Stefanie won't come, no surprise," Olive said. "Harper can't come either. Her mom says she has to help with packing in the new house and she has to stop being attached to a stupid baseball team."

"Tonya might show?" I said, hopefully. "Susan, Rosie, and April?"

"I don't know," Olive sighed with a shake of her head. "Nora couldn't get out of bed yesterday."

"You went to see her?" I asked, and Olive blushed.

"I did, but Ryan was there, so I left," she said. Poor Olive.

Meanwhile, the Rangers formed rows and started stretching in their black and white uniform. They were organized, confident, and energetic.

Down our end of the field, Olive and I must've looked pretty pathetic, small red and white dots standing alone in the dugout.

"So probably it's just gonna be you and me," I said. "Let's warm up."

Olive nodded grimly. It was merely us talking like we were going to go through it with just the two of us, like it was a normal game. People must think we were crazy when we started stretching. When I turned my torso around, a tiny flash of red caught my eye among the white.

It was Nora.

She was wearing our uniform and waving at us.

"You came!" Olive said in surprise. "I thought you were sick."

"I still am," she said and her voice sounded different. "But a runny nose can't stop me. Don't worry, I just need to sweat it out."

And when Nora said that, we didn't bother to argue with her.

"Hang on a minute," I said as I peered towards the stands. "Isn't that Tonya's parents?"

"Hi girls!" Tonya was running up in her baseball uniform with a mega-smile on her face.

"Good to see you!" Olive said.

"Oi! Over here!" Susan bellowed from the corner. We turned and found her with Rosie and April.

Olive and I laughed with relief.

Then I noticed something weird in the stands. Patches of red and white started to appear around the Rangers' black and white. The Rejects's supporters seemed to multiply until they almost overwhelmed the Rangers supporters. I saw Polina, Zoya, Mitko and a lot of the restaurant staffs, as well as my Mom and other parents. I was so glad Mom was there.

"Harper!" Charlotte gasped. She was the first to spot her running like crazy from her mom's car. We laughed and waved to her.

Then I thought I was hallucinating. Was that Stefanie Jenkins?

"No way," Olive breathed beside me.

Stefanie strolled over, trying to look cool. Nora had her mouth hanging open like the rest of us. We couldn't believe that Stefanie, of all people, would give up the chance to play in the Blue Belles.

"What you gawking at?" she sneered. "I can change my mind, can't I? Being in this team makes me look good."

Olive was talking but her voice sounded like a faint blur in my ears. The sound of Bentley's stereo cut sharply through the buzz in my head. Coming alongside it was Margaret's toy car.

"I've got your coaches, girls!" she called to us.

My stomach lurched with joy when I saw them, and everyone was jumping and laughing.

Maybe the Rejects still had a chance.

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