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Dani slammed down onto the couch as she yelled out "Who the fuck does that Bitch think she is? She is obsessed with Sean and now she is using you as a backboard for her!" I chuckled a little as I grabbed an apple out of the fridge. I glanced over at Felix who was rotating his finger next to his temple and mouthing 'Crazy' before pointing at Dani. I nodded yes to him before speaking to Dani "I might just have to end things with Mark. I don't think I could put Sean through Sam's bullshit right now and I can't have Mark fired if that Bitch really does go to the Dean"-- "Y/N you can't do that, he is one of the few boyfriends of yours that I've ever approved of" Dani spoke out before turning and looking at me. I let out a light sigh and took a bite of my apple "I'm happy you like him but I can't risk getting Mark fired, or getting myself kicked out of this school. I just need to think about shit." We both turned to Felix as his phone started to buzz. Felix looked at us and I could already feel his joking mood change. "It's Sean" He spoke out.

Dani hopped up off the couch as I moved next to Felix. I reluctantly spoke out "Answer it". Felix looked at me one last time before hitting the green circle. After a few short seconds Sean's face appeared on the screen. His eyes were red and puffy, he was sniffling, he had bags under his eyes, but on top of all of that he was smiling. Immediate concern flew into my body as I looked at what state his body was in.

"Hey guys" Sean spoke out happily. I looked over at Dani and Felix who had the same look of concern on their faces as I did. I opened my mouth to speak but Felix beat me to it.
"What's wrong Sean? Why do you look like that?" Felix spoke out abruptly. Sean chuckled a little before wiping his tear stained cheeks and roaring his phone to show us his surroundings. He was in a hospital waiting room.
"Sean is everything okay?" I spoke out, hoping for the best. His smiling face reappeared on the screen as I spoke.
"Everything is fine.. Everything is great you guys" Sean spoke out happily. I could feel my body lighten up at his answer. Dani pushed in between Felix and I and smiled wide.
"Well are you gonna tell us what's going on lucky charm?"Sean smiled his warm smile back and nodded.
"I paid for my mom's surgery, she's gonna be okay. She's in surgery now" He chuckled a little at the end of his sentence. I breathed out a sigh of relief and smiled wide. I glanced over at Dani as she lightly squeezed my shoulder and smiled back. "Thank you so much Y/N. I owe you big time" Sean spoke out. As soon as he spoke Dani chimed in
"It's actually great to hear you say that because Y/N is in a bit of a pickle right now." Sean's face turned into concern which immediately sent a bad feeling down my spine. In that moment I knew that I couldn't and I wouldn't take his happiness away, not right now. I patted Dani's shoulder and shook my head
"No Sean, I'm fine I don't need your help. You just stay focused on your mom and your classes. I'll see you when you get back" Before he could even respond I turned and started to walk for the door. I couldn't just lie to his face but I knew the longer I stayed talking to him the higher the probability of me mentioning Sam would pop up.

I could hear him call my name as I made my way to the door but I didn't stop. I refused to upset him right now, even if that meant that I would have to do something I would have never wanted to. I grabbed my phone off of the couch before grabbing the doorknob and making my way into the hallway. I could feel my heart ache as I walked through the door and heard Sean's last words. 'Did I do something wrong, Y/N please talk to me' I wanted to turn around so badly and just tell him he did nothing wrong but I couldn't. I would talk to him again later when I felt as though I could contain my word vomit. I made my way to the small lounge at the end of our dorm hall and luckily it was empty. I walked into the room and shut the door behind me. I kept the room dark as I walked to the corner of the room and plopped down on the soft couch. I stared at the light that shined in from the hallway, through the large glass wall. The silent room comforted me and made me feel as though I could actually breath. I laid my head back a little and took a few deep breaths as everything played through my head. Sam was about to ruin my whole future if I didn't tell Sean to talk to her but I don't know if I could do that.

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