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My heart lightly raced as we pulled into the airport parking lot. I felt really nervous, I didn't know if Sean was going to be pissed at us or just leave and never come back. As I saw Felix's car pull into a parking spot a few spaces down I took a few deep breaths. I looked over at Dani who looked at me nervously "You sure you want to do this Y/N?" I lightly nodded and took another deep breath "If I don't try to help him now I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life. It's now or never, let's get his suitcases from the trunk". She nodded to me and we both stepped out of my car. We walked around to the back and popped open the trunk. As we pulled out the suit cases Sean's voice filled my ears "What the hell are we doing here?" He laughed out. I looked up, him and Felix were leaning against the side of my car. We pulled out his suitcase and I closed the trunk. His eyes widened a little as he saw us round the car with his bags, he cocked his head a little and looked at us funny "Why do you have my bags?"-- "Y/N, I think you should answer that" Dani spoke out before patting my shoulder. Her and Felix grabbed Sean's bags and proceeded to walk to the airport doors, leaving Sean and I standing by my car. I slowly walked up to him before taking his hand and walking with him to the doors.

"Sean,the other day I promised you that everything would be ok and I meant it. I'm a girl who keeps her promises and a girl who looks after her friends". We entered the airport and found Dani and Felix looking at a huge board trying to locate the flight to Ireland. Dani pointed at a small line that showed we had to move to gate 15 and then pulled Felix along with her. I lightly leaned against Sean as we followed behind them "I care about you Sean and I don't want you to have to feel what I've been feeling lately so... I got you this" I pulled out the envelope from my purse and handed it to him. "What is this?" He spoke out confused. "It's a plane ticket to Ireland, First Class if I can brag" I lightly smiled up at him. He gave me a light chuckle before trying to hand me back the ticket "Thank you Y/N but I can't take this. Even if I would take the ticket I cant face my parents empty handed, it's not fair to them" He spoke lowly. I pushed the ticket into his hand and looked up at him "Sean you're taking this ticket and you're going. That's final" I spoke out sternly. He chuckled and shook his head a little before smiling down at me. I let go of his hand and stood behind him as we entered the security check line.

After we had all finally got through bag checking we made our way to the gate. As we approached the terminal we could see that they had already started boarding the plane. We walked Sean up by the door and all stopped. My stomach felt uneasy and my heart had a slight ache to it as we approached the door. We stopped a few feet away from the ticket lady and stood in a small square. Dani was the first to go up and hug Sean. She pulled him into a tight hug and spoke lightly "You come back for us Lucky Charms. We're gonna miss you"-- "I'm gonna miss you guys too" He spoke lowly back to her. Once she finally let him go Felix moved in towards Sean. They did a short handshake and then pulled into a hug "I'm gonna miss you bro. You better call me as soon as your ass lands in Ireland, you got it?"-- "Got it" Sean nodded. When Sean turned to me I couldn't help but smile. My smile was plastered on and as fake as they could be, I felt happy for him but reality was hitting me. The more I stood here listening to the goodbyes the more I could feel that Dani was right, I'm really going to miss him. He walked closer to me and pulled me into his tight hug. He took a deep breath before speaking into my ear "I'm gonna miss you singer girl" He chuckled lowly. I hugged him tighter as if that'd make him stay forever "There is a yellow envelope in your suitcase, you don't open that until you land in Ireland" I could feel a lump form in my throat as I choked back my emotions. I spoke softly as I tried to swallow the lump in my throat "I'm gonna miss you drummer boy" I lightly laughed. He moved away from me and grabbed my chin forcing me to look up at him. He didn't try to move in or kiss me, he just looked down at me before smiling a sweet smile and speaking lowly "keep an eye on neverland for me. Okay lost girl?"-- "Got it. Now go before you miss your flight" I chuckled a little as I lightly pushed him away. He smirked at me before turning and grabbing his bags. We all watched him off as he handed the lady his ticket and waved goodbye before walking out of view. As he disappeared from my view I could feel my chest tighten up. So many feelings ran through my body but I tried to ignore them the best I could.

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