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Dani laughed loudly at the joke that Sean told. I giggled lightly to myself barely keeping up with their conversation. I wasn't distracted or anything, I've just already heard too many of Sean's corny jokes for one day. As we entered the canteen we spotted Felix sitting at a table texting. Dani sneakily walked up behind Felix before screaming and grabbing his shoulders "FELIX!". He jumped and yelled a little. He grabbed his chest hard and took deep breaths as he turned around and saw Dani. All I could manage to do was laugh too hard and try to keep my balance as I made my way to the table. Jack and I sat down across from Dani and Felix. As soon as Dani took her seat Felix pinched her arm "Ouch Felix what the fuck?"-- " That's for scaring me you asshole". Dani playfully leaned in towards him and poked his nose before biting her lip "I'm not an asshole, you're just a scared Swedish Bitch"-- "Oh am I?" Felix spoke back in a deep tone before pinching her again. Sean groaned loudly and slammed his hand on the table "Why don't you two just fuck already?" -- "We will, as soon as you and Yn do" Dani replied quickly. I rolled my eyes at her and put my arm around Sean "Who says we haven't?". Sean looked at me a little confused before he caught on and pulled me closer to him. Felix chuckled loudly "His laptop history says that he hasn't had pussy in at least a month". I covered my mouth trying to hide the laugh that was bound to escape.

Dani's eyes shot wide before glancing in between Sean and Felix. Sean just tossed a sugar packet at Felix "I told you to not use my computer"-- "Sorry dude, mine is getting fixed" Felix replied still laughing a little. I looked up at Sean who was blushing a little "Hey let's go get some food" I spoke out trying to change the subject. We all got up and grabbed some food. As we reached the checkout I reached in my pocket and felt nothing. "Fuck, come on Y/N why am I so dumb"-- "What's wrong?" Sean questioned me sounding concerned. I lightly shook my head in dismissal "Nothing, I just left my student card in my wallet, which is in my bag that I left in the lecture hall". I turned and moved heading to put my food back. As I walked I felt a firm hand grab my arm and I turned to see Sean slightly smiling at me "No worries I got it Y/N"-- "No Sean you don't have to do that". He smiled at me before pulling me back into the line "I know I don't, but I want to, you're my friend.". I smiled up at him, he really is a nice guy. He paid for my food and then we were all off to our table. We sat back down and started to eat when Dani pointed behind me and made a stank face "There goes Hoe-zilla, and she's heading right this way". I turned to see Sam. She was a shortish girl, with tan skin and long black hair, her eyes were perfectly Hazel and her style was nice. I can admit she was a beautiful girl but her personality sucked ass. She approached our table and lightly ran her hand over Sean's shoulder. "Hey Jackaboy, miss me?"-- "Trust me, I haven't missed you. I forgot about you the second I kicked you out of my car that night. You remember that right? It was raining hard". He sent a fake smirk her way and turned away. She put her hands on her hip and rolled her eyes. Her eyes landed on me and she pointed to me speaking louder "So this is your girl Sean? Damn talk about a downgrade". She looked me up and down. I looked back at her and opened my mouth to speak until Sean stopped me. " Y/N she's not worth it. Please" He spoke in a soft tone and I could tell something was wrong with him. I glared at her before getting up from my seat and pulling Sean's away from the table. I looked her in the eye as I reached my leg over him and sat on his lap facing him. His eyes went wide and he blushed as I moved in closer to him. I gave him a light peck on the lips before doing another, deeper kiss. I pulled away slowly and looked Sam in her eye "You're right baby, she's not worth it" I made my hand resemble a gun and pointed at her making a shooting motion "Bullseye" I winked making sure I pissed her off. She groaned loudly before turning and walking off. I laughed a little as I climbed off of Sean and sat back in my seat.

I took a bite of my burger and when I looked up everyone was staring at me "What?" I shrugged a little as I chewed. Dani smiled wide and chuckled "What the fuck was that about Y/N?"-- "She's not gonna come over here and play Sean like a fool. He's my friend and I'm gonna have his back" I turned and smiled at Sean who was still slightly trying to process what just happened. Felix pointed at me and smiled "Now that's a wing man.... Wing woman". I chuckled again before resuming my eating. After a second we all went back to normal conversation, laughing and joking. My cell phone alarm went off and I looked down "Alright guys we gotta go, class starts back up in 10 minutes" We all got up and threw our scraps away. We said our goodbyes to Felix who had to go back to his engineering course.

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