"I'm not sure, I was told that Vlad guy had them, they were knocked out but they should be waking up soon." Phantom bit back a growl, he had to get to them before Vlad hurt them, if he hasn't already. While Phantom made his way to the room the young heroes started to wake up.

Megan looked around, "Where are we?"

"The last place you'll ever see." Said someone that the teens couldn't see.

Kid Flash looked a bit angry, "Who are you, show yourself!"

"Temper young hero, struggling is no use, you're not getting out of here."

Aqualad looked calm, "Who are you?"

The mysterious person laughed, "You already know the answer to that whether you realize it or not." Someone suddenly appeared in the room and everyone's eyes widened, it was Vlad.

Superboy tried to get out of the chains that were holding him but Vlad just laughed again. Superboy glared at him, "Why can't I get free?"

Vlad smirked, "That's a secret."

Robin glared at the halfa, "I thought you were supposed to be smart but you messed up pretty badly."

Vlad looked at Robin, "What are you talking about, none of you can escape."

Robin smirked, "You might have trapped us but you missed something, that was your mistake." Phantom had gotten to the room by then and he heard what Robin said, he smirked as he transformed.

"What are you talking abo-" Vlad's ghost sense went off and his eyes widened, Phantom kicked the door down and he smirked.

"Guess who's back bitch."

Vlad growled, "I should have destroyed you when I had the chance."

Phantom shrugged, "Funny, I've been getting that a lot lately." Vlad growled again as he flew at Phantom and the ghost teen dodged and punched him in the face. Vlad grabbed Phantom's coat and threw him at the wall and when he hit it cracks formed. Phantom got up and ran at Vlad right as the older halfa took a strange device out and Phantom didn't have enough time to dodge.

Vlad used the device to electrocute Phantom but it didn't hurt the teen, it just forced him back. Phantom used his hands to stop himself from getting hurt and he did a back flip and skidded back a bit. That was when Phantom realized that something was wrong, he was losing his powers.

Vlad smirked, "You can't use your powers now little badger." Phantom tried to stop himself from transforming, the white rings flashed in and out of existence. Phantom quickly lost the battle and he transformed, when he did Vlad's eyes widened. "It can't be, that's impossible."

Phantom stood up as the team, minus Robin, stared at him in shock. "What's impossible Vlad, the fact that you're not the only halfa in existence? Hate to break it to you but you're not one of a kind anymore, you haven't been for a while."

Vlad took a step back, "But you can't be, there's no way."

Phantom started walking towards Vlad, "Oh but there is, no one knows how I half died. I'm sure you can take a guess by now, I'm a halfa Vlad, you can deny it all you want but it's still true."

Vlad glared at Phantom, "This isn't over." Vlad flew out of the room and Phantom glared at where he disappeared for a second before he ran over to the team. He started picking the locks for their chains and once Robin was free they both worked on getting everyone out.

Once they did Phantom looked at all of them, "I'll explain what's going on later but we need to get out of here." Everyone nodded and Phantom heard running footsteps, "We've got company." Several people ran into the room and Phantom growled as he fought them, he might be in his human form but he can still fight.

Phantom lead them to the air vents, which were surprisingly spacious, and they all got to the elevator. Artemis saw the cameras, "What about the cameras?"

Phantom pressed a button and the doors closed, "I shorted them out when I used it before. Once we get out of the elevator we'll have to run like hell until we get to the ship, Vlad probably won't follow but keep your guards up." The elevator reached the ground floor and they all ran out of the elevator.

Phantom noticed that people were trying to run after them so he bought the team enough time to get a safe distance away. He managed to lose them in the forest and he got to the ship as quickly as he could. Once he did they took off and everyone sat in silence as they headed towards the mountain.

Once the ship finally landed they all got out of the ship and Batman was waiting for them. When Phantom walked out and he saw him he raised an eyebrow, "Who is that and where's Phantom?"

"I am Phantom, if you want someone to confirm it then ask the others."

Aqualad nodded, "He is Phantom, we just don't know how this is possible."

Phantom rubbed his eyes, "I guess this is as good a time as any, long story short, I'm a halfa. A halfa is a half ghost half human hybrid that's created because of the power from a man made ghost portal. When I died I was electrocuted but the energy was charged with ectoplasm which changed my DNA."

Batman took a second to process what Phantom said, "So you're half human and half ghost. So you have a human for and a ghost form, but why are you in your human form right now?"

Phantom growled, "Because Vlad used something to short out my powers and I couldn't stay in my ghost form." Phantom looked absolutely pissed so Batman decided to drop the subject for now.

"Did any of you find anything?" Everyone shook their heads aside from Phantom who took something out of his pocket.

"I found something when I was looking for the others, some idiot left a flash drive lying around. I used one of the computers to see what was in it and from what I saw it could be useful." Phantom tossed it to Batman right before he heard barking and Cujo ran into the room.

Cujo jumped into his arms and licked his face, Phantom smiled before he put the little dog down. Batman went to see what was on the flash drive while Phantom tried to regain his ghost form. After several minutes he gave up and the team walked into the living room and sat down.

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