Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I've never been this excited for a concert in my life. You could say I was kind of fangirling. But how could I keep calm. I was at Austin Mahone's concert.

After months of hash tagging and tweeting, I was in the line to see if I would have any chance of been picked as one of Austin Mahone's 'U Girl'.

Yes, me Cleo Jenessa Saltmer could be the next 'U Girl'. This feeling inside me was making me so nervous at the thought of it. I wanted it so badly, but so did the thousands of girls who were in the same line as I.

"Cleo the line is moving," Chloe said snapping me back out of my thoughts.

Being the kind of best friend Chloe was, she had promised me she would take me to Austin's first concert that we could get to. That day had come, it was today.

I clapped my hand in excitement, making Chloe laugh at me.

"Your mad, you know that right?" She told me.

"Yup, and that's why you love me so much," I said while popping the 'p' in 'yup' giving her a cheesy grin too.

"That's what you think," Chloe said in a sarcastic tone. We giggled before entering into the arena where Austin would perform later now.

Our whole day has been spent with me getting ready and Chloe yelling at me to hurry up. Chloe isn't bothered about clothes and makeup she more of a tomboy. So she doesn't get that I need to look perfect. I was dressed to impress, I had a pair of light blue high waisted shorts, a white lace top, and pair of tanned heeled boots and tanned bag. Chloe being more tomboy then me, wore a pair of black jeans, a black tank top and to finish her look off she pair her favourite blue Nike high tops.

When we got into the arena we saw that there was thousands of girl pushing to try and get through each other in the crown of people. Girls just as happy as I was gathered in groups inside the arena all hoping to be close to their idol.

I was so thrilled to see that Austin had a lot of fans over here in the UK. He had come so far from his days of recording in his bedroom and ustreaming on Friday nights. All mahomies must be so proud, I know I am.

Me and Chloe grabbed some drinks before popping to the toilets and finally finding our seats. We had really good seats, only 11 rows back from the stage. It was totally worth camping out in the cold wind and rain just to get these seats. The show wasn't meant to start for another hour.

Jessica and Ellie was the names of the two girl who were sat next to us. We had been talking to them for awhile now. Jessica was really tall, with dark brown hair that came down to her waist. She had big brown eyes, that I wished I had. She was just stunning. Her friend Ellie just a little bit smaller then her. She had mousey brown hair, which was tied up in a ponytail at the top of her head. Ellie had a young looking face however, she had told us both she was 17. They were really nice girl and we all got each other's twitter so we could stay in touch.

It was a half an hour wait left until the concert would start. I could nearly wet myself I was that excited. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump on of my skin. As I turned around I saw three boys staring back at me, laughing to themselves. I know these boys. Why were they standing in front of me. My mouth was open in an o shape. I couldn't believe it!

I couldn't believe that Alex, Rob and Zach was all looking at me. All three of them was wearing jackets with the hoods up, I'm guessing so know one was realise it was them. My cheek began to heat up.

"Hey," Alex said to me. I was so scared to speak. He was waiting for me to say something. God this wasn't going well. Anything- just say-anything -Cleo. It was like my mouth's been glued shut.

"N'awww she's shy Al," Zach pointed out. Alex stepped forward just a little so he is closer to me. But I still can't find any words to says.

"No need to be shy, we don't bite." Alex reassures me. At last my mouth becomes unstuck.

"I...I...know, you guys catch me off guard. It's really you guys." A huge smile takes over my face. Making myself look like a complete fool. "I can't believe it's you," Now I wish my mouth was still glued shut. The boys all laugh at me.

"Your so cute." Rob said to me. "We was just wondering if you and your friends wanted to come and meet Austin." I wanted to scream and yell out 'YEAH!!!" but that wouldn't of look great, now would it.

"Yeah, that would be amazing. Thanks." I manage to get out. They all smile.

"Can we get a picture with you?" Rob asked me.

"Shouldn't it be me asking that?" I joked. The boys laughed before we took the photo.

Breath Cleo. I know your going to meet Austin Mahone but you need to breath. In and out. In and out. That's it. You can do it. Whatever you do don't make yourself look like a freak.

I know this chapter is a bit boring but I needed something to build up to when Cleo first meets Austin.  Hope you are liking it up to now. I need some help in getting my story seen by people if your willing to help that would be amazing.

How would you act if Alex, Rob and Zach walked up to you at an Austin concert?

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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