Chapter 4: Classes and Costumes

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"I'm home." I said to nobody as I walked in and took my shoes off. A sad smiled crossed my lips as I sat in front of Mom's shrine and lit an incense. "I did it, Mom. I made it through my first day at U.A." I bowed my head and said a small prayer; then made my way to my room to put my stuff down and change out of my uniform.

I stretched before I sat down on my bed with a book. A wave of fatigue washed over me once I made contact with the soft duvet. A yawn escaped my lips as I settled into the blankets and started to read.

It wasn't long before Dad was home. "(Y/n), I'm back." he called out from the door. I walked out of my room to greet him. "Hi back, I'm (Y/n)." He laughed. "So, how was your first day? I know Aizawa can be harsh." I slightly laughed thinking about the apprehension test. "It was fine."

The next morning came and I trudged through my morning routine. The grips of sleeps still tugged at my eyes are I put on my uniform. My body was still sore from the events of yesterday. I yawned as stretched out and finished getting ready for the day.

I walked into the loud class. Everyone seemed to be gathered around each others desks in their own cliques. Except for one, Bakugo. He was leaned back in his chair with his feet on the desk and eyes closed. I walked over to my desk, which was beside his, and sat down. As I took out my things and readied for the first class, he spoke. "What the hell do you want?" It was directed at me, and I was taken a back. "What?" I questioned, confused by the aggressiveness in his tone. He opened his eyes and looked at me, "Why are you sitting beside me?" I shrunk back a little bit under his harsh gaze. "This is just my assigned seat." He huffed and closed his eyes again.

After the bell rang everyone migrated back to their seats. The morning classes seemed to go by slower when you know you have hero training afterwards. The basic classes bored me as Present Mic droned on about sentence structure and grammar. I found myself doodling on my papers.

It felt like ages, but the lunch bell finally rang. Everyone gathered their things and rushed out the door towards the large cafeteria. All the people were overwhelming. By the time I made it through the line with my lunch, a lot of the tables were full. I saw a mostly empty table and walked over to take a seat.

I sat down at the other end of the table away from the certain blonde at the other end. I didn't look at him or attempt to talk. I ate contently and quietly. I found myself glancing over at him out of the corner of my eye; there was something different about him. I looked back over at him again, but this time I met his crimson eyes. "What are you looking at?" His tone was harsh and I quickly looked away and muttered an apology. He spoke again. "Speak up." I kept looking down at my tray. "I said I'm sorry." I said slightly louder. I swear I heard him let out a small chuckle. As I stood up to toss out my tray the bell rang, signifying the end of lunch.

As we all sat in our seats, we could hear Allmight's voice book as he walked in. "I enter like a normal person!" He exclaims loudly. Most of the class cheered. He went on about how all the training is to mold us into heroes. "...Today is no different. We will be doing battle training!" This caught my interest. "And to do this, you will need these!" he hit a button and the wall pulled out into storage space. There were numbered suit cases stacked on them. "Costumes!"

We were dismissed to go change into our hero outfits and head out to the training area. I didn't know exactly what to expect when I opened the case. In that section of the registry form I didn't specify too much. Just something that wasn't flashy, light but durable, and needs to be functionable.

I pulled out the costume and held it up. Color wise it was dark grey with (f/c) accents. It had a standing collar that went into a v-neck with straps across the opening. It was sleeveless and had a (f/c) belt with small pouches attached to it. The pants extended all the way to my ankles and were tucked into black combat type boots. The material was extremely light and flexible while the style wasn't something that would stand out.

(Rough idea of how the costume looks)

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(Rough idea of how the costume looks)

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as I looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled slightly in the mirror but couldn't help but feel self conscious. It hugged my curves and was a little too low cut for comfort. "(Y/n), are you almost ready?" Uraraka Looked at me, smile beaming. I nodded and walked over to her, pushing my self doubt aside.

We made small talk as we walked out of the dressing room and towards the meeting spot. She drug me over to stand with her and Midoriya; I was happy to be included. "Ne, (L/n), what's your quirk? I didn't see you use it during the apprehension test." The curly hair teen asked. "Oh, yeah. Is it the same as your dad?" Uraraka also questioned. "No, my quirk is called 'ghost'. It was the same as my mom. It wouldn't have helped with a lot of the physical tests so I didn't use it." I explained. While I talked with them I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was staring at me.

"Time to begin!" Allmight caught everyone's attention. He started to explain the drill. "So everyone will be in teams of two, and two teams will go at a time; one as heroes and the other villains. The goal for the heroes is to collect the bomb while dealing minimal damage to the building. For the villains, you want to keep them from getting said bomb. You will have ten minutes for this drill." I was nervous as I looked around at everyone in the class, thinking back to the apprehension test to know what I was dealing with.

He sent the first team of villains in, which happened to be Bakugo and Iida. I looked to Midoriya and Uraraka, Midoriya seeming more nervous. After the head start timer went off, Allmight looked at them.



Sorry it's been so long since I've updated this. I have had major writers block and couldn't find the motivation to write.

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