Chapter 2: Waiting

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I woke up to the effects of over working myself. My entire body was sore and my head ache still lingered. I looked at my bed side clock, 11:27. I stretched and got up, leaving the comfort of my bed to do productive things. I made my way into the kitchen, heading to the pantry and grabbed the cereal. As I went to open the fridge I noticed the note of the fridge that was eye level with me.

'I will be working late tonight, Please stop by the store and pick up some groceries for dinner this week.

- Dad

I made mental note of all the things I needed at the store as I took my bowl of cereal to my desk in my room. I should be used to being alone by now but it still bothered me a little. I grabbed my note book from my desk draw, along with a pencil and thought about my practical exam.'I wrote out a training regimen to focus on my weaknesses; physically and mentally.

Feeling content with the little work I had done after I finished my analysis and bowl of cereal, I got up and walked back to the kitchen. As I washed my dish I thought about the odds of me getting in. After doing the mental math I concluded that I have less than 5% chance of getting in. I shook my head and tried to clear the depressing statistic out of my mind. I sighed and made my way back to my room, thinking about what I can do better.

The days seemed to pass by slow as I anticipated a letter telling me if I got in or not. Dad seemed to be gone more often between missions and preparing his classes, and my lack of friends didn't help pass the time either. I swiped my pencil across the paper I was sketching on when a noise caught my attention.


The sound rang through the house as I leapt up from my spot on my bed. I hoped that it was my letter. I opened the door and was happy to see the middle aged mail man holding a letter with the official UA wax stamp.

After thanking him I hurried back to my room and shut the door. This was the moment I have been waiting for. I took a deep breath as I sat down at my desk. I slowly opened the envelope, insecurities keeping me from looking inside. I slapped my hands on my cheeks to shake my self out of the depressive state I was about sink into before even seeing what was inside. I pulled out the contents of the envelope; a hologram player and some paperwork. Without further hesitation I clicked on the hologram.

A holographic All Might popped up and started to give a small speech:

"This is a projection! I'm in town for one reason, I will be teaching at UA. You see-" He was cut off by mumbling from behind the camera and a hand in the bottom of the frame motioning him on. "Whats that? Get to the point, we don't have much time?" He then looked back at the camera. "Ah yes, anyways. Even though your villain points weren't the most outstanding, we also gathered rescue points as a part of this. It is to be expected because being a hero isn't all for the Cameras." He let out a laugh and more mumbling was hear for him to hurry up. He looked down at his paper and looked back up at the camera. "Now, (L/n), Welcome to UA. This will be your Hero Academy." I smiled and was about to cut the hologram off when the small All Might caught my attention again. "One last thing, young (L/n). We would also like to inform you that we picked you based solely on Exam performances, not on family ties." With that the hologram shut off.

I jumped up from my spot and squealed. I was ecstatic, to say the least. "(Y/n), I'm home." Dad's voice rang though the house. I collected the papers from my desk and ran out to greet him. "I got in!" I held up the papers to show for proof. He smiled, "How about we celebrate tonight." I nodded and hugged him. 'One step closer to being more like Mom.' I said to myself, feeling accomplished.

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