Chapter 3: First Day

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I stood in front of the mirror. I smiled contently at my reflection; dressed in the UA uniform. I grabbed my bag and headed for the kitchen to have a quick breakfast before I had to go. As I got to the kitchen and looked at the clock. I was going to be late. I groaned and quickly put my shoes on at the door with a snack in hand. As I opened the front door a voice stopped me, "Leaving?" Dad said as he came from around the corner, straightening his tie. "Yes, and I am going to be late if I don't hurry. Bye dad!" He laughed, "Have fun." With that, I closed the door and headed for the school of my dreams.

Though the campus was big, I had been here enough to know where my class was. I stood in front of the large door to Class 1-A before going in. As soon as I opened the door I was taken aback by all the yelling.

"Get your feet off the desk!" A tall boy with Blue, undercut hair and glasses yelled at the ash blonde I saw from the entrance exam. "Ha! Why should I listen to an extra like you?" The blonde retorted back and leaned back in his seat further. A tick mark appeared on the taller boy's head. "I would like to inform you that I am from Somei Private Academy. And my name is Iida Tenya." They kept going back and forth like that. "E-excuse... You are blocking my seat.." I said meekly, neither one of the them acknowledged me. "Excuse me." I said a bit louder this time and debated on just using my quirk to move through The tall boy blocking my path. They continued not to notice me.

"Alright everyone, get to your seats." A deep voice stated from the door way. A man in a yellow sleeping bag was laying there. After that was said, the tall boy, who I now know as Iida moved, I sat in my seat. The man in the sleeping bag sat up and unzipped it; standing up in front of the class. He was a tall, scruffy man with long black hair. His eyes were blood shot and sleep deprived. "My name is Aizawa Shouta, I will be your homeroom teacher. It is nice to meet all of you." He said in a tired, monotone voice. 'He must be a hero..Strange, I don't recognize him...' I thought to myself. "Everyone quickly change into your gym clothes and go to the training grounds. Don't waste my time." He said as he got back into his sleeping bag.

I stood towards the back of the group next to a plain looking boy and a girl with a bob. "Today, homeroom teachers will be conducting a test of your quirks." Aizawa said as he looked at his faculty book. "What about the entrance exams?" The girl beside me spoke up. "No time to waste on things like that if you want to become a hero." He started to explain everything we would have to do. Essentially it is the middle school fitness test, the only difference is that we could use our quirks. "One last thing, the person in last place will be expelled. Good luck."

He looked down at his roster and called out a name, "Bakugo, how far could you throw a ball in middle school?" The blonde from the entrance exam spoke up, "Sixty seven meters." Aizawa tossed him a baseball, "Stand inside that circle and yous your quirk to throw improve your score. You can do anything as long as you stay in that circle." Bakugo wounded up his arm a bit and through the ball with a loud boom. It soared. A few seconds later Aizawa's machine in his hand made a beeping sound. <705.3> displayed of the screen. After that everyone went one by one when their name called. Carrying along the pressure of expulsion on our shoulders; we were all striving to be better than the last. "(L/N), you're up." Everyone's eyes fell on me as I stepped up and caught the ball Aizawa tossed to me. "Wait, (L/N) like the Pro Hero?" The plain boy asked from his spot in the group of students, excitement laced his words. I gave a small nod an continued with my ball throw.

As the testing went on, I continued to fear for my spot in class 1-A. My quirk didn't give much, if any, advatage to these tests. 'At least they are better than middle school..' I sighed internally as the final kid finished the test. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT, PIECE OF SHIT, DEKU!" A booming voice rang out as the plain looking boy had thrown the longest distance in the soft ball throw. Bakugo was charging at this 'Deku' with explosions popping in his hands. "Bakugo enough." Aizawa's eyes turned red as his scarf shot out and restrained Bakugo. His eyes were red and the explosions had stopped. That's when it hit me. He was Eraser Head.

"Alright everyone, here are the scores." Aizawa got our attention. Right before flashed a hologram with our placements, he spoke up again, "Also, the person with the lowest score isn't getting expelled, that was just to get you to really try." He informed us as he clicked on the hologram. I let out a sigh as I now didn't have to worry about being expelled before I could even start. I looked for my name on the list of 20 student. My name was in the 18th slot. A small smile made its way to my face, proud that I wasn't dead last.

By the time we were released to get changed back into our uniforms, the school day was over. I had a book in hand as I walked home. It wasn't a long walk but the tiring training doesn't make it feel any faster. I happened to look up from my book as I walked and noticed the angry blonde; Bakugo. I was about 10 meters behind him but from the looks of it we walk the same path to school. I made note of it as I continued my trek home.


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