Chapter 4 Q&A

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Hey guys in this chapter there lwill be no POV's there will just be video content thank you bye!

Intro to video:
Hey guys welcome back to another video it's a day we are going to be doing a Q&A and I'm here with it's moose craft!

Ok so first question is from Damian craft and he says are and moose going to get a apartment together?

Maybe we don't really know if we are me and moose were talking about it.

Question from moose:
Ok next question is from bekfast is good wait what kinda name is that ok so the question is will you prank Nathan and get his girlfriend in the prank and tell Nathan that she is breaking up with him?

That is 100% legit the best prank I will ever do!
So I'm in it sounds like a good prank!

Question from Amber:
Ok next question is from 09thickboy fan and he asked can you do a backflip?

Yes I can do a backflip

(You do a backflip)

(Moose did one to)

Question from moose:
Ok next question we can both answer ok question is were did you live most of your life?

(Moose answer in the video above)

Amber answer: 
I was born in California and when I was about two years old I moved to Miami then I moved to Alabama and then I got a apartment in Orange Texas and now I'm here.

Question from Amber:
Ok next question is from unspeakable fan and he asked when can I start sending fan mail?

Well we are still working on it probably in two to three weeks hopefully next week.

Question from moose:
Alright so next question is from minecraft potato and he asked if you didn't have a YouTube channel what would you do and why?
(Both answering)

Answer from moose:
Well if I wasn't a YouTuber I would hang out with friends and family and drive cars and do things I normally do and I would do those things because the following activities are what i do everyday!

Answer from Amber:
Well if I wasn't a YouTuber I would hang with friends and family and cook for the boys and having this guy talk to me and I would do these things because it is fun and I have lots of things to do so yeah.

Ok guys I hope you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and subscribe byeeeeee.

I hope you guys enjoy this short chapter and I will see you next time BYEEE 😜😝!

me and moose/george (IN LOVE) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora