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(Okay guys I'm going to start righting a name for y/n if you do not like the name then you may change it)

Nathen p.o.v 🐸:
I asked her Amber and George if they wanted to go watch the sunset they said sure so we went to watch the sunset we got there around 4:00 and then watched the sunset and sat by the lake. So do you want a little more detail about how me and Amber met? Well me and Amber were best friends in 5th grade we were 10 and were best friends and little do y'all know Amber is like a twin sister to me our birthday is on the same day and we were born at the same time and we met wen we were 5 so we have been friends for a long

Amber p.o.v😝:
I was at the lake watching the sunset sitting by Nathan I was happy I was here I saw moose skipping rocks into the water so I decided to go and cheer him up and skipped rocks to I asked if he was alright he said he was fine I knew that there is something going on with him I just don't know because he won't talk to me about it I got a little tired and I asked Nathan if I could go sit in the car for a  couple of minutes and he said sure so I walked to the car.

George p.o.v😜:
I saw Amber walk to the car so I told Nathan that I was going to take a walk but actually I was going to talk to Amber so that is exactly what I did but It was us texting each other.
(G,George, A, Amber)
G: hey
A: what's up
G: do you want to go to the movies tomorrow night?
A: you mean like a date?
G: yeah I guess. You don't have to go.
A: yeah sure!😘
G: ok see you in a second.😘

Amber p.o.v😝:
OMG MOOSE JUST ASKED ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I'm screaming in my head right now! I can't believe moose has felling's for me! I feel the same way I love moose and nothing can stop me!
I took a little nap in the car and about 20 minutes later I woke up in the car. Yeah I know it was a very short nap. I was woken up by my phone dinging so I checked it. I  got a text from my sister. It said that she was going to visit me! So I texted her back.

(A, Ashlyn,AM,Amber)
A: hey I'm coming to see you!
AM: okay this was just random.
A: is that OK!
AM: I guess let me talk to Nathan about it ok!
A: ok love ya bye😘
AM:bye love ya too!

(Still Amber p.o.v)
I can't believe that my sister is coming to Texas! Let me tell you about my sister! Me and her we're so close wen we were kids. And now she is definitely not a kid anymore we are still super close and we love each other. Not to mention she is 20 and married to Jake Paul! And just had twins! They are so cute and I haven't met them yet but I bet I will see them when my sister comes and visits.
Here are some Instagram pics of the twins and get ready for cuteness overload!
( Also guys remember that this is a fanfic and that my sister is not married to Jake Paul and did not have twins with him! MKAY bye)

Now for cuteness overload! 

Now for cuteness overload! 

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And that is the end for cuteness overload!😭😂(I'm laughing so hard right now)( still Amber p

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And that is the end for cuteness overload!😭😂
(I'm laughing so hard right now)
( still Amber p.o.v)
Oh and by the way the twins names are Hayden and Cayden Paul and they are so cute! I can't wait to see my sister.
(Time skip to going home)
We were on our way home and I fell asleep on the way there I felt the car stop and someone shaking me so I woke up and walked into the house and I was so tired I didn't even eat dinner!
( next morning)

George p.o.v😜:
I was so excited about me and Ambers date! I don't want everyone to know yet so I am going to tell Amber the only person I want to know is Nathan because we are super close friends and wen I tell him secrets he always keeps them private and doesn't tell anyone. So I can trust him which is good! I ate bekfast and made 2 quick minecraft  videos and 1 life of moose video. And then got ready for the date.
( this is what moose wore)

And then I went down stairs and watched tv for a bit and that is the moment I realized that I have a beautiful girlfriend! Amber came walking down the stairs wearing this

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And then I went down stairs and watched tv for a bit and that is the moment I realized that I have a beautiful girlfriend! Amber came walking down the stairs wearing this

And then I went down stairs and watched tv for a bit and that is the moment I realized that I have a beautiful girlfriend! Amber came walking down the stairs wearing this

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She looked beautiful. I asked if she was ready she said yes so of we went . Wen we got there we paid and we watched warm bodies it's a romantic movie about zombies. I hate scary movies but that one wasn't even scary. After the movie we ate dinner and then went home and it was very okward and romantic at the same time! We staired into each other's eyes and leaned  in and.......

Cliff hanger sorry guys I hope you enjoy the book MKAY bye!

me and moose/george (IN LOVE) Where stories live. Discover now