The un expected

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They both woke up in an ambulance,red and blue lights every where and loud whistles.
Juli's hair is covered in glass,scratches all over her body and blood smeared at parts of her face.
Blood dripping from Jacqueline's face, a broken arm and bruises/scratches every were.

They both don't get what's happening.
Juli realizes that they crashed when she sees there car crumbled and wreaked at a street corner with a van kind of in it.
"I'm scared" says Juli in a shivery voice
Jacqueline still doesn't understand what's going on,a woman tells them that every thing will be ok and they need to be taken to the hospital now.
"What about mom and dad" asks Jacqueline
"Don't worry every thing is gonna be ok honey"
Answers the women.

There at the hospital and a doctor enters the room with a nervous look at his face
"Girls" says a doctor in hesitated voice
"Um I'm sorry,umm how can I say this.."
The doctor completed.
"What's wrong!" Asks the gramma.
"Girls ur parents didn't make it".
"What you mean no no this has to be a prank or something no way"says Jacqueline hoping it's a joke.
"No I'm sorry" replies the doctor while leaving the room .

Juli is just shocked and emotionless Jacqueline is trying to understand what's going on.
"MY SON WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SON ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!"screams the gramma in a crying voice,"IF IT WASN'T FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY MY SON WOULD BE ALIVE!!"cry's the gramma.

At that point Juli starts crying her lungs out and Jacqueline is tearing,but when she sees her sister crying that much she decides to wipe her tears and stand next to her sister.

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