1.21 | an uphill battle

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When Charlotte peeked out her bedroom window just before six, she was surprised to see Mason pacing in front of her walkway. Her dad was in the kitchen trying to frost the brownies that Charlotte had made, so she slipped on a coat and went outside to meet him.

"Mason?" she asked softly once she'd reached him. He looked nervous, and his hands were fidgeting with the loose button on his coat.

"Mason. What's wrong. Why didn't you knock?"

"What's he like?" he asked, looking down at her.

"He's great. He gets home late though, so I never see him at night, and he travels a lot during the week, helps out in nearby towns."

"What's he do?"

There was no beating around the bush.

"He's a police officer."

Mason stopped his pacing and turned to face her with wide eyes.

"Your dad's a cop?" His voice was rushed, like he'd just had the wind knocked out of him. Which, given recent events, was understandable.

"He is."

"What kind of officer?"

Charlotte tugged on the sleeve of her coat awkwardly.

"The Chief?"

"Christ," Mason breathed, his breath freezing in front of him. He ran his fingers through his long hair, and Charlotte noticed that his ears were red.

How long had he been out here?

"What's wrong?"

"Charlotte, that's the guy that arrested me."

"Really?" Charlotte said, feigning nonchalance. "Well, now that you mention it, I think he did say something about meeting you."

"Charlotte. I shouldn't even be talking to you, let alone dating—" He rubbed his eyes, blinking at her and reminding Charlotte of a puppy that had just woken up.

"Why not? It's not like I'm a cop."

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"You didn't ask?" He gave her a patronizing look. "Okay! I knew he wouldn't like you."

"Are you trying to get me killed?"

Charlotte blinked at him. "I really don't think that he'll kill you."

"Considering the fact that your dad practically stared holes through me when he arrested me, I doubt that he'd be okay with me coming to dinner."

"Who cares? I'm an adult."

"You're barely an adult." Ouch.

Charlotte glared at him. "I've been running my own business since I was seventeen, and I'm graduating a year early from college. I think I'm qualified to make my own decisions about who I do or don't want to date."

"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. It's just—Christ, Charlotte. Does he know that I'm coming over? Or that we work together? How is it possible that I didn't know this?"

Charlotte stayed quiet, biting her lip.

"Charlotte! Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's not a big deal, Mase," she said, slipping her hands into his coat pockets and pulling him towards her. "He's not the one that's going to date you."

"But your dad could shoot me."

Charlotte had to admit, the fear in his voice was slightly comical.

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