1.8 | eyes on me

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Mason opened the door to the deli shop and ushered Charlotte inside, making sure that she didn't slip on the ice. Her shoes were ridiculous, especially in this weather.

As they stepped up to the counter, Mason placed his order and gestured for Charlotte to do the same. She ordered two sandwiches and moved to pay.

"I've got it," he told her, holding a hand over her wallet.

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "I've got it."


The guy behind the counter prepared their food, and Mason and Charlotte took a seat at a table while they waited.

"So, you're an only child?"

"Yup, it's just me and my dad."

"Your mom?"

Charlotte cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Sorry, if you're uncomfortable you don't have to—"

"No. My mom isn't here anymore. Hasn't been for a while."

"I'm sorry. My dad left when I was four. Came back just long enough to knock my mom up again, and then he disappeared again."

"I'm sorry."

Mason shrugged. "That's life."

"I guess so."

Their orders were called, and the pair made their way quickly back to the shop, Mason carrying their takeaway bags.

"We're back, Dev!" Charlotte called as she took her coat off and hung it on the rack by the door of the office. They'd come in through the back door, and Mason had avoided looking at the wall that he'd punched. His hand was still scraped up.

"Who's 'we'?" A voice hollered back as Mason set their bags on the desk. Must have been Devin.

"A friend?" Charlotte called back in a confused voice.

"Which friend—" Devin cut herself off as she came around the corner and stopped dead in the doorway. "Oh. That friend."

Mason bit his lip to keep from laughing as Charlotte glared at her friend.

"Hello," Mason greeted. "You must be Devin?"

"And you must be Mason."

"I suppose I must be."

"Want your lunch?" Charlotte offered, reaching for the bag.

"Sure. What else did you guys get?"

"Mason got a sandwich, and I got the scone stuff."

"Great, let's eat together."

Devin was pretty, and she had her dark braids pulled into a loose ponytail at the top of her head.

"So, Mason," Devin said, clearly attempting to break the tense atmosphere that had suddenly sprung up. "What brought you to our humble café?"

"My classes were canceled, and my car's having problems. I just dropped it off with a mechanic."

"How'd your family take your jail time?" Devin asked.

Charlotte widened her eyes while Mason looked amused.

"Fine I guess."

"Mason, telling her about your time in jail isn't going to improve her impression of you." Charlotte teased.

Mason smiled slightly. "I wasn't aware that my impression needed improving. I've got a yummy accent, what more do I need?"

Devin turned an accusatory glare towards her friend. "Some things aren't meant to be shared, Charlie."

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