Chapter Fourty Four

Start from the beginning

And then when Kevin...


I don't even know if I can talk about him right now. 

Anyway, Tamara was a good friend.

And now, her demolished body was laying in front of me. 

I knelt down, shoving my hand with the blade behind my back and stroked her bloody hair with my other.

"Tamara," I whispered softly. "I'm so sorry..." This was all David's fault, huh? Well, he wasn't going to see the next living day, thanks to what he did to Tamara. She didn't deserve to have this happen to her. 

I stared at her form, feeling a sickening feeling, looking at her. She didn't seem conscious, and I wondered if she was dead. I let my see through vision envelop my eyes and looked inside her body. It looked like she had ruptured some arteries, from what I could tell, and some broken bones. Her heart was beating slightly, so I knew she was barely alive. Barely. Ha.

Somehow, Tam's eyes slowly opened and looked up at me. She opened her mouth but I said, "Shh.... It's okay. I'm going to get us out of here, okay?"

She tried to shake her head, but I could barely make it out. "Mmmmmnnnnn...." she murmured quietly.

"Shh," I said again. I looked behind me, at David's limp body under all the printers and stuff. "I'm going to carry you out of here, okay? Then we'll go get - "

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tamara suddenly screamed, and her body violently jolted and she began to jerk around, as if having a terrible seizure with multiple spasms. Her eyes didn't meet mine as she flopped around like a fish on dry land, and then - she landed back on the ground, and her eyes rolled back into her head. I forced myself to look at her heart. 

She was dead.

I bit my lip as hard as I could and tried not to cry. This wasn't my fault. I couldn't have saved her anyway. It was David's fault. David. I was going to freaking kill him. He didn't deserve to live.

I stood up and turned around, then stopped.

"Avaley," the beautiful woman said, running a hand over my cheek. My body flooded with warmth and I forced myself to stand up straighter. She was still impossibly beautiful and unreal, yet standing before me in her elegant grace. "I know you're confused now. But you've done so well."

And then I spoke. "What do you mean?" I said, choking on tears in my throat. "My best friend is dead. David just betrayed me. I don't know who to trust anymore, and I have an angel inside of me? I don't understand what's going on!" and I burst into tears, and the beautiful woman welcomed me into her arms.

"I know you're scared, Avaley," she told me as I sobbed into her strangely soft and comfy clothes. I wondered where I could get an attire like this. It seemed nice. Like silk. Only softer. And whiter. "But it's not time for you to let go. You were chosen for a reason."

"Because I died," I muttered. "I just died at the right time and they decided to put an angel inside of me. Just to see some man at the mall."

And for the first time, this lady laughed. It was like the chirps of birds combined with the laughter of happy children to the sound of the ocean crashing against sand on a calm morning. In other words... It was marvelous. "Yes, the angel inside of you wanted to see her love one last time. But that was a special last time, Avaley."

I took a step back and stared at her glowing form in the dark room. "Special?"

She smiled at me. "Don't you think it's a bit odd for a dead woman to visit her beloved in the body of a young girl?"

"Well..." Now that she said, I think - 

"That angel, inside of you, Avaley, chose you for a reason. Yes, because you died. And also because you were destined for something more."

"To get arrested by cops from hell?" I found myself ask.

The beautiful woman's smile vanished. With a blank, beautiful look, she looked at David. "This boy is not being truthful with you, Avaley. I want to tell you who he really is but that's for you to find out."

"But how?" I said in a whiny voice. "David doesn't tell me anything. I can't trust him anymore - he tried to kill me!" I looked down at the blade in my hand. "And what is this?"

"You have many questions, Avaley," the woman said, turning back to me. "David has done wrong in not telling you." You got that right, lady. "You must now go to the person who has all the answers and the truth in who you are."

"Isn't that... You?" I asked her.

She smiled and shook her head. "He's always been with you, Avaley. You've just been blocking him out for so long you don't want to remember." 

And then I finally did, and when I breathed out his name, I knew he was the person to go to.


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