Chapter 1

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               October 31, 2017

  A raven haired boy sat glumly on his assigned seat, watching as the minutes ticked by painfully slow.
  Cody never cared much for his first period, -history-, for he would always be ahead of his classmates when it came to actually doing work. In any aspect actually, raising his hand about ninety-nine percent of the time, finishing class and homework before class was half-way done, and staying absolutely silent.

   Though Ms. Schuyler did not admire Cody's attention span, she still gave him an A for he was not behind nor was he a mischievous student.

   Finally the bell rang, indicating the start of passing period. Cody stood up without any permission, slinging his bag over his shoulder, and speed walking out the exit door of the classroom and into the swarming crowds of students.
   Cody was always mesmerized by the expressions his peers wore. He always analyzed as many as he could as he made his way to his next destination. Trying to imagine a story behind any emotion their expression presented.

  He spotted faces that were half asleep, one eyelid drooping and the other lid following in pursuit, their mouth slightly open and their shoulders slumped.
  Cody noticed that around this time, more than seventy percent of the students looked like this.

 Other students were chatting happily with friends. Others, he saw, had an angry or nervous look. He assumed the nervous looking ones had some tests they either just submitted or are going to have to submit.

   As his next class came into view he let out a hefty sigh, keeping his head held up high confidently as he lazily entered his Math class.


     October 31, 2017

  Jack, a tall chipper student, entered his second period. Leadership. Leadership with Mr. VonDae was possibly his most favorable class of all. With the events, and the crafts, and the jokes, the friendly environment, the ideas. Everything. Even Mr. VonDae, -who otherwise was very strict with his English classes-, cracked a joke almost every five minutes with his period 2 class.

   This day, on Halloween, -almost every students favorite holiday since they were given permission to come in costume to school-. Mr. VonDae had a 'special' assignment for the class.

  "Hand out candy." Mr. VonDae smiled as he watched the expressions of his disciples go from anxiously-excited to confused and almost disappointed.

  "Just that?" Vanessa, a freshman girl with purple streaks in her light brown hair and who always came to school in the most peculiar attire, asked.

 "Yeah," added Derick, the school's kindest football player. "I thought it was gonna be some decorating or somethin'."

  Mr. VonDae's smile widened. "Yes, yes. I knew that all of you would have expected more of me after last year's experience," Jack remembered how the school was covered in decors and he and his peers had laughed until their kidneys felt as if they were being stabbed when a un-expecting student would be, in mere seconds, covered in silly string and fake cobwebs. "But sadly. our principle wasn't all too thrilled with the idea of something too...extravagant this year. So, I chose something simple, and kind. That also rooted off the Halloween spirit. Who doesn't like candy right?"

 Jack nodded in understanding, students around him did the same.
Mr. VonDae clapped his hands once. "Perfect, I have a sack filled with candies for each of you. Pass out ONE candy to each student you come across. Two if they're in costume. None if they're committing any crimes. All in favor say 'I'."

 The class echoed a chorus of "I".

  "Any opposed?"

No one answered.
   "It's settled then," Mr. VonDae announced. "Everyone stand in a single-filed line starting at my desk. I will be giving you your bags of candy. Don't eat them! You may get one and left-overs but DO NOT CONSUME ALL THE CANDY!" he reminded. Some students playfully whined.

  Jack smiled, something told him this would be fun.


     October 31, 2017

 The bell rang for the umpteenth time that day, Cody sighed in relief as he once again zoomed passed desks and out the exit of the classroom. Students seemed more energetic by lunch, pushing and shoving, Cody rushed out the building and towards the library.  

   As he was about to step into the library, a tall, cheerful teen, stopped him. "Hey! Cody, was it? You're in my English class for sixth period right?"

  Cody blinked once slowly, in attempt to recognize the boy but failed to. So, to be polite, he just simply nodded.

   The tall boy smiled, until then Cody noticed a market bag in his hand. Something seemed to spark in the teen's memory for he reached inside and pulled out a lollipop before handing it to Cody.

    "What's this?" Cody asked with a raised brow as he took hold of the wrapped candy from the white stick.

"A candy gram! Courtesy to Mr. VonDae!"

   "Mister what?"

"Leadership," the boy quickly explained with a shrug of his shoulders.

   "okay...thanks, I guess."
Cody tucked the candy into his front pants pocket and took a step back. "Well, see ya then."

  "See ya!" The boy turned around and jogged away. Cody watched as the oversized, blue sweater flapped about as the brunette ran.
   Cody caught himself thinking about the teen's eyes, a glittery goldish brown that shone brightly with joy. His hair looked soft, and silky. Cody felt an itch to have touched it, combed it with his fingers.

   Cody shook his head, snapping out of his trance once he was alarmed by the screeching bell. Cody adjusted his backpack before hooking his thumb on one of his blue suspenders and trudging towards fifth period.
   A strange feeling of desperation to get to his sixth period irked him. But he simply shrugged it off as a desperation to get home and relax. English was always his favourite class anyway, he enjoyed writing and reading. Yeah, that's it.
  Cody sighed as he stepped into his next class. Mindlessly trying to recall the boy's name.
           End of Chapter 1:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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