Chapter 25: A Storm and A Surprise

Start from the beginning

Relaxing slightly, I climb under the covers and cocoon myself on the side. I didn't want to take up much room if Tony disapproved. Despite how tense I felt, I dropped off to sleep not long after.


Waking up, I looked up at the ceiling and a flash of fear bolted through me. I didn't recognise the ceiling. Boltimg upright, I look frantically around the room and quickly remember that I was in Tony's room. 

"What's the time, J.A.R.V.I.S?" I ask with a yawn as I slip out of bed and on to the carpeted floor. 

"The time is 8:00am," came the answer as I grabbed my reactor.

Thanking J.A.R.V.I.S, I wander out of the room and back to my room. Heading straight to my closet, I quickly change into black tights with red sparkles, a jean skirt with pockets and a red blouse. After running a brush through my wavy hair, I pocket my reactor and scamper out to the elevator. 

"Is Loki awake?" I ask as I push the level 23 button for the lounge.

"Yes, He is currently in the lounge area."

"Sweet. Thank you J.A.R.V.I.S," I smile. I spent the rest of the short ride in silence. The soft ding of the doors broke the silence and I quickly skipped down the hall to the lounge.

As I neared the doors to the lounge. I heard a laugh, but it wasn't Loki's. Slowing down, I quickly and quietly made my way to the doors and listened. There were multiple voices in there which seemed familiar. Slowly, pushing open the door I look in and see Loki, Clint, Thor and Nat all sitting on the couches.  They all look at me as the opening door caught their attention.

"Hey Sweetheart," Clint grinned as he waved me over. I smile and scamper over. I go over to Clint and give him a hug which he quickly returns before going over to Nat and Thor and giving them both a hug which they also return. 

"Hey Lexie," Nat greets as I hug her. 

"Hey Nat," I whisper as I let go. 

"Get into trouble while we were gone?" she asks with a wink.

"Of course not," I scoff, " Who do think I am?" I giggle as I went to sit by Loki.

Just as I was about to sit down, I hear a cough and look toward the kitchen. 

"Hey Shortcake," Tony winks as he crosses his arms and leans against the doorway.

"Tony!" I gasp and run over to him. A smile wide on my face as he crouches down and catches me as I launch myself into his arms. Tears were burning under my eyelids, and little did I know, they were also in Tony's eyes as he held me close. His arms wrapped around me tightly. 

"I missed you," I whisper in the crook of his neck. 

"I missed you too, Shortcake."I heard him mumble against my hair as he presses a kiss to my head.

Reluctantly letting go, I step back and grin at him. He smiles back before a more serious look takes over his face.

"I heard that you had a panic attack last night." He said softly.

I instantly look at my feet and nod slowly. "Yes," I mumble.

Tony's hand cups my chin and lifts my head up so his eyes could meet mine.

"Can I ask why?"

I huff and then mumble, "The storm was too loud and scary," averting my gaze. 

"Are you alright now though, shortcake?" He inquired, gently.

"I am now," I grin softly. "I wanted you to back as soon as you could and you were." 

A soft smile made its way on to Tony's face and his eyes held an emotion that I did not recognise but it made me feel special. "You are certainly a precious gift, aren't you?" he said. I don't think he had meant to say that aloud so I just gave him another hug, which he instantly reciprocated. Letting go, I grabbed his hand and led him over to the couches and made him sit down next to Clint before clambering up beside him and resting against his arm.

I let the adults talk as I just sat there basking in the joy that most of my 'family' was home. Looking around, I then realise that Steve and Bruce weren't here with us. 

Tapping Tony on the leg to get his attention, I ask, "Where is Steve and Bruce?"

Tony glanced over at the others before looking back at me.

"They are currently getting our guest situated in his place."

I sit up straight and ask," T..Th...There is an...another p...p...person" I stutter, fear lacing my tone.

Tony quickly, clasped my tiny hand in his and said, reassuring me, "This guy won't hurt you. I promise. And if he did try to, then you got all of us behind you ready to defend you."

I nod shakily, fear still evident in my eyes, causing Tony to let go of my hand and put an arm around my shoulder drawing me to his side. 

"Aithne," Loki calls from across the coffee table, causing me to look at him. His piercing green eyes met mine and I could see the sincerity in them as he vowed, "If this new addition causes any harm, I will personally see that he will never hurt you again. I promise you this."

I smile slightly at him, in awe of his and Tony's protectiveness over me. It made me feel cared for. Taking a deep breath, I ask, "When will I meet them?" 

"Well, I expect very soon as Steve and Bruce said that they would bring them up soon and that was a while ago," Nat replied.


It was another 5 minutes before the door to the lounge opened and I heard Steve's voice come through as he walked in. ".....and here is the lounge where we usually all meet up as well as the kitchen." I watched as Steve walked in, followed by Bruce and another man with shaggy brown hair framing his face. A very unsure look on his face, but I noticed his eyes flicking around, never staying on one thing too long. His gaze met mine causing me to jump, but I don't look away. I recognise that look in his eyes. That fear and wariness, But I also see a wall that he is hiding behind.

"Hey guys," I heard Steve greet the others, causing me to look back at Steve.

"Hey Buddy," Steve smiles at me, making me smile back at him and sliding off the couch to go and greet him with a hug. 

"Hiya Captain," I giggle as his lifts me up and spins me around before placing me on the ground again. I gain my bearings before going over to Bruce and giving him a hug of his own.

"Hey, Little Miss Scientist," Bruce says as he lets me go. I turn to the stranger who was looking at me with curiosity in his gaze as well as wariness. Walking over to him slowly, I watch as his eyes track me. Stopping in front of him, I gesture for him to crouch down. He does so carefully. 

I move closer to him again and then wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. I feel him stiffen but I don't let go. 

I whisper carefully in his ear, "I know you are afraid, but I know that you are among friends now. Everything will get better now. It will be alright."

At these words, his arms come up and hold me close to him. He doesn't speak for a while but eventually, I hear a very quiet, "Thank you," in low, rough voice.

I let him go and step back, but he stays crouched. "Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm Alexis," I answer, holding out my right hand, "Who are you?"

"My name is Bucky," He replies as his hand gently wraps around mine. 

A smile at him as I take my hand back, and slowly he gives me a gentle smile back.

****Done. Sorry about the wait. Had major major major writer's block. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.***

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