Devilish Angel [Adrien POV] Part 1

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The POV of Adrien when he met Charaine for the first time at the Bolangerie and in the Library

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The POV of Adrien when he met Charaine for the first time at the Bolangerie and in the Library.

"I'm late because you had to stuff yourself with camembert" I said to my Plagg Kwami who flew besides me.

"But I was so hungry because you strolled again almost the whole night as Chat Noir through Paris streets, even though there wasn't even an Akuma" he argued.

Also for me today starts the university and like always I'm too late for my class.

'Marinette's certainly waiting already for me and she'll definitely scold me, because she is also going to be late for her class because of me.' I thought while putting on my coat with a cat hoody, which I got from Marinette and Plagg did the same. After he put it on the little kwami hid in Adriens Hair and they left together the house.

'She'll definitely will be mad at you, as always' Plagg said to Adriens thoughts.

'Plagg, didn't I told you to stop listening to my private talking in my head?'

'Oh, come on, Adrien. Even if I want to, we are connected, so I have no other choice then to hear it. Even if it's mostly just your whining when Marinette is gushing over some other guy'


The little Kwami cackled about the fact, that he stroke a nerve of Adrien.

I'm just telling the truth. Like when you thought yesterday, that you actually don't feel that attracted to her anymore like it used to be, when you were totally in love with ladybug'

'PLAGG! Wait.. You're actually right, a lot has changed, but she is still important to me and I don't want to lose her, especially as my partner fighting against the Akuma' I started to think again about the problem, which led me unease recently and I always go outside in the night, to clear my mind.

'Wonderful, now the rain got even worsen' Plagg said leaving his hidden spot in Adriens hoodie and flew immediately back to not get soaked by the rain.

Usually I don't go on my own somewhere, but this time Marinette asked me to meet her at the Bolangerie to go together to university, but I really regret not asking my driver to bring me here though. After 10 minutes I finally arrived at the bakery and went fast inside. It seemed like she wasn't there, just a girl in a wine-red coat with black ribbons on it was standing here.

'Bonjour' I greeted her and tried to look at her. But since she still had her hoodie on I couldn't see her face. I shrugged, put my hoodie off and noticed how my hair looked in the reflection of the glass door.

'Oh no, my hair looks so messy, I can't go like that to university' I raked my finger through my hair, to make it look better and didn't noticed, that I got watched the whole time by the girl.

'Adrien, Adrien' I heard Plaggs voice who is hiding now in my pocket of my jacket.

'Not now Plagg, I need to do my hair'


"DON'T! You look so cute like that." a voice filled the bakery.

'Hm? Whose voice is that?' I looked up to the girl after I realized the meaning of the words of this angelic voice.

"Pardon me?" I asked to see if it wasn't just my imagination.

Her before white skin turned into a light shade of red and since she was standing right before me I could finally see her face. She had big doll-like brown eyes which shimmered in a shade of pink/blue probably because of the light and long black hair with red tips.

'Wait, did she just told me, that I look better with this messy hair?'

"Um..." she started to say something when Marinette came back.

"Here are your Croissa-..." Before Marinette could even finish her sentence the girl grabbed the croissants, thanked Marinette and just ran out of the bakery.

"Well, this was fast. Someone should give her a price for running out after a weird Situation" Plagg said to Adrien and flew out of the pocket.

"Seriously Adrien, now you're already creeping out our costumers. What did you do to her?" she asked me, while I was still shocked about what happened now.

"I seriously don't know. I just came inside and then she said something and ran away. I didn't do anything though. Well. I'm not Chat Noir right now."

"Oh Adrien, tell that to someone who doesn't know who you are, you're sometimes worse in being Adrien then Chat Noir." The girl sticked out her tongue at the blonde-haired guy and went back to her work at the bakery.

Recently she always says something like that to me and her words are hurting me a lot, like if someone would stab my heart. It all started two years ago when I made the decision to show my true face and not to hide behind a mask anymore just to get accepted by her. Of course, I'm nice and treat everyone with respect, but I started to feel uncomfortable just to be nice to everyone even when they are doing something I couldn't stand behind. So it happens that sometimes I act or do something, that Marinette hates and she will scold or ignore me for that.

After all I'm not the young Adrien in which she fell in love with and she lets me feel this pain day for day.

'Adrien' I heard Plaggs worried voice in my head.

'I'ts ok and I'm ok. Don't worry about me, Plagg'

"The worst is that we are now going to be late for our classes she said coldly and called for her mother while putting on her coat. I'm going now to my class"

When Marinettes mother arrived, I greeted her and went after Marinette who already left the bakery. We both ran to the station, but missed the train and of course when we are already late a akuma had to appear in Paris. Well we were lucky to defeat him really fast, but thanks to him the rail traffic collapsed.

When the train finally came we hopped in it and after 5 minutes we arrived at the station and run to the gate of university where our ways separated. Marinette gave me a slight peck on the lips and started to run to her art class and I made my way to my photography class. Since it was just the typical introduction I didn't missed anything important and went to the dining hall until I got a message from Marinette, saying to meet her at the library, where she wants to introduce me to a new student. I went to the library and searched for a quiet spot to read my book.

I let out a sigh. I rather would go home then to wait here for Marinette. But If I would leave now, she would be really pissed about it.

'Let's just go home' I heard Plagg again. He slept the whole time in my pocket and just got up.

'I can't. I already said I wait here for them.'

'Have you thought about, that maybe the new student is the girl from before? I actually sense her and she could it be'

'Such a coincidence just exists in movies and books. And the rate of such a coincidence in real life is pretty low, so I doubt that it will ever happen.'

'You never know kiddo, what if she really is with Marinette now?'

Plaggs word eventually let me think about it. Such a thing as destiny doesn't exist, especially not for me. I always thought that my relationship with Marinette meant to be something like destiny. That I became Chat Noir and she Ladybug, while she already felt attracted to himself as Adrien. But I experienced that this was anything else than destiny.


First part of Adrien's POV! I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes. :O Part one describes more how he feels about Marinette and should give a view on the problems between them from his view. The second part will be more concentrating on Adrien x Charaine. 

Hope you like it!

Plus on top is my drawing of Adrien x Plagg. ^///^

The Butterfly-dragon and the black cat [Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x OC]Where stories live. Discover now