Chapter 10

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I can't move due to being kidnapped by this yellow bastard,“What the fuck do you want from me you psycho!?”I screamed at that grinning face of his.He placed both his hands on his face seemingly satisfied to the person infront of him that is me,“Well flower~I decided its for the best you leave your so called husband”He responded.I snarled at him for saying the term husband,I-i'm not his or anything!He's just an idiot!And i'm only his assistant!

He grabbed my hands touching his own,“You're skin is soft~”He cooed.I cringed at the scene he's making right now “Are you ready for our wedding soon flower~?”He said making me flinch “WHAT WEDDING?!”I accidentally screamed at his face “Oh you didn't know~?”He asked,I just glared at him,“Well you know now”He laughed.

He stood up from his office slash warlord chair and made me stand up too,“Come my flower~Lets explore my kingdom,”Or just base“Before we give our hearts to each other.”He said as we walk out from the door.He grabbed my right hand making me want to barf from where we were walking “Flower~You look so beautiful like i saw you from the garden~”He said looking at me,“What garden?”I asked.He chuckled as he lead me to a wonderful and peaceful place “Woah...”I said speechless,I saw a forest but an indoor forest with a bunch of beautiful flowers and trees,The leaves and petals were dancing,The ponds and the sky were glowing with light green and skyblue colors making me fascinated.

He lead me to a picnic table with a bunch of different food that i haven't seen before,As i sat down from the seat he sat down aswell but closer to me.He placed his head on the top my head,I was shorter than him so i look like a gremlin.I look at him with my digital eyes “What are you doing?”I asked,“Nothing~”He responded seemingly childish.

We ate quietly because of him being creepy,Because he always looks at me everytime i eat a spoon full of unknown food.I tried to stand up but he lend a hand like a gentleman,I accepted his offer and stood up with him.We walk towards the rainbow colored blooming flowers,I sat down from the middle as he sat down too.I was looking at the blue and red flowers seeming to remind me of Tord and I,I him a little...Just a little!I-i don't like him alot!

Then yellow placed something to my head making him very happy “What did you put to my head?”I asked the happy man “A flower crown!”He said clapping.I look at the crown seeing a blue and yellow flowers in circle,I smiled a little at yellow.Yellow seems to be a nice guy...
Yellow grabbed me infront and his face faced the back of mine,He grabbed my waist seemingly cuddling with me,I laugh a little at his action.
“You smell so nice!”He said,He's just like Matt...Matt...MATT!!

I stood up from our seat panickly “WHATS WRONG FLOWER?!”He said standing up,“W-Where's Edd and Matt?!”I screamed,He smiled then laughed.What the-“The green leader~?”“G-green Leader?”“Tord's Meeting Buddy”

Green Leader?T-Tord's meeting buddy?H-he said he didn't know where Edd was...

“That idiot...”I said as tears form from my goggles,I quickly took them off before getting wey from the tears i'm making,“H-he lied...”I cried.Yellow smirked when comforting me making me flinch “There,There~Its alright flower~Tord is a lier after all~”“He really is...”I said sniffing.

My plan is working perfectly,Making Tord look like a lier,Tom cry,Reveal Edd's identity and Make Tom Mine.I look to see Tom fall asleep into my arms,He was tired and im here to help him.That's why i'm always the best,I pick him up like a bride and walked towards my room.I place hin to my yellow bed tucking the sheets to him and laying beside him.“Good Night,Flower.”


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