Part 1

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Your POV


I was talking to my mother, I was (y/a) at this age. I could only really talk to my mother as she was the only one who would listen.

"_____, I have to go, what I've told you" my mother said before walking out of the door.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, my mother gave me a very serious look. "Ugh, don't let anyone in. If anyone needs anything and you know them tell them you've not got what your looking for" I mimicked my mother.

"Good, bye _____" my mother said, she kissed my forehead gently then walked to the door. Just as I thought she was going to leave she turned to me. "What about the star clan?" My mother left me another question.

"Don't ever talk to them. They are the cause of fathers death" I said, trying not to let tears fall from my eyes.

"Good" my mothers voice got higher. "Goodbye this time _____, I'll be back soon" my mother added before walking out of the door. I sighed and started to fall down the door, boredom consuming me. I went into the living room and switch on the T.V I sat on the couch and slowly closed my eyes. Sleep now consuming my body.

~ TimeSkip By 2 Hours! For The Lulz ~

Your POV


I woke up from my nap by the sound of my door knocking. I stood up and groggily walked to the door. As I opened the door I widened my eyes a bit, my eyes seen the figure of a man, then something shiny. This caught my attention. I opened my eyes wider and seen that the cause of the shine was a badge. That's when I noticed a police officer was at my door.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, I bowed in respect of the policeman's authority.

"Is this your mother or something like that?" The police officer asked, holding up a picture of my mother.

"Yes, why would you ask?" I asked, the policeman sighed and looked at the ground.

"Her body was found near the town square, someone must've cut her because there where cuts all over her body" the policeman said, he looked away but I could've sworn I seen a small tear rolling down his cheeks when I fell to the ground.

"this can't be" I said looking down. "It's not fair!" I swung my head up as I spoke now. "It's a policeman's job to make sure everyone in this shitty village is safe! Why do you only find out about things when it's to late?!" I shouted pissed off, a sharp blue shape caught my eye.

"I am truly sorry ma'am, it's not my fault, I never meant it and the department only found out when we got a call about it" the policeman looked me in the eyes.

"WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE PROBLEM?!" A boy asked, the same shape from earlier took form in my vision.

"Nothing someone like you shou-" I stopped talking as I looked at his left arm, it had a star mark on it. My mothers words rung through my ears. 'Remember how to identify them _____, the star clan mark' she said, I cried lightly and sniffled.

"As your future god it is a responsibility" he said as he was in a talking distance.

"Who even are you?" I asked. I looked up at the boy and growled.

"I'm Black*Star," Black*Star started. "And this is my weapon partner tsubaki" Black*Star added. I growled once more.

"I feel sorry for her..." I mumbled and looked down again.

"Black*Star, let's just go" A girl with long black hair and dark blue eyes said, looking at the gate of the village.

"No," Black*Star started yet again, tsubaki looked at him in a confused way. "Who are you?" Black*Star asked me.

"I'm _____" I said, Black*Star smiled at me.

"Well then _____, I'm here to make sure all of my civilians are okay, I'm Black*Star! Now what's wrong?" Black*Star asked, he was smiling at me.

"I'm Forbidden to tell any of YOU people," I started, Black*Star looked at me confused. "Really, your a star clan! I'm not supposed to be in the presence of you!" I shouted, I then ran into my house, sliding down the door in tears...


I'm so cold!😣❄️ anyways it's like 01:16 am here and I'm srsly tired, I've been working in this for like ages now but I work on it then I don't,then I do,mr hen I don't! Whatever tho! Anyways lemme know if you enjoyed dis!❤️😘

Forbidden Love {Black*Star X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now