Duel Academy in parole. Friends blocking the way?! part 1.

Start from the beginning

"I love you too big brother" Tara replied and then shouted "And I love you too Zane".

Then Jaden literally jumped. Tara was sure she was holding her breath and was seeing her life in review before her. Then Jaden's feet's hit the inside of the other cradle with a loud bump. Tara and Jaden were both rather stunned by that.

"We.. we made it" Jaden uttered in disbelief.

"Yeah.. guess we did" Tara said slowly as well, and got off her brother's back. Then the cradle got pulled downwards with incredible speed.

"Ahr you got to be kidding me" Tara sneered in her monotone voice "Can't we be lucky for once?". Jaden shrugged a little at that.

"Well it could be worse" her brother then stated.

He had just said that, when another blast sounded behind them, and the ropes snapped on both sides. The cradle were flying straight to the ground in a crash landing.

"You just had to say that!" Tara said and shook him like hell.

That until the cradle made a sudden move, shaking the whole place, and Tara was abruptly pushed out of the cradle without any warning. She let out a weird terrified scream. Soon she was gonna get flat as a pancake. She could hear Jaden yell her name in the background. He was in a lot of panic.

"Tara, create something, hurry!" Haou's voice ran through her head.

"Yeah create something. Anything as long as it is black" Tara mumbled out and tried to pry her own mind for ideas. Not so easy when you were in an emergency.

"Ahr what the hell is black?!" she uttered "And can save me! Black, black.. ". Finally an idea took shape. Or at least she came up with something.

The ground were pretty hard, but Tara survived nonetheless. No bones or blue marks were present, but she still sighed deeply. That had been too close for comfort.

"Tara! Tara!" Jaden's panicked voice rang through the sounds of the blasts in the background. "Neos, I need to find her. I need to find my sister. Please, I..".

Then the sound of Jaden letting out a surprised scream could be heard. Tara figured Jaden had lost his concentration and thereby made Neos disappear, dropping him to the ground like some kind of ragdoll.

"Jaden, I am okay" Tara responded and tried getting up.

It was a little hard with all the armor she was having on. A black armor very similar to the one Haou had worn in the dark world, but in a more female version. That was the only thing she could come up with at the moment, but at least it was damn sturdy. She didn't get injured. As she took some step towards her brother, the armor also dissolved into nothing.

"Tara!" Jaden yelled as he saw her. He rushed up on his feet's pulling her into a hug "Oh I thought I had lost you. You could have died. Don't ever make this scared ever again".

Tara nodded slightly. It had never been her plan to do so. She pulled away.

"How did you survive this?" She questioned "I created armor to protect me, but..".

"I know. You still have the helmet on" Jaden replied with a smile, and took it off her head. It disappeared as well "When I was about to crash land, I made Neos appear and blast the ground, catching me seconds later. I had faith in you could save yourself though. Had not enough strength for more than Neos. Not that I wasn't worried though".

Tara nodded slightly. Of course he were. She had been worried sick about him too. Jaden took her hand now.

"We need to get back to duel academy. Sartorius told me, the Trueman is attacking there as we speak, and I don't think he was lying" He then told her.

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