"I'm glad you got the part for Snow White though."

"I also just wanted a part where I didn't have to speak much, so I figured she'd be the best role, since all she does is sleep on the second half of the play."

"I guess we really are twins."

"Your voice suits the mirror by the way. It's pretty cold - I didn't mean to insult, you know I like your voice... I think we all got suitable roles... except for your friend over there."

He looked across to the backstage area, and pinpointed to Dinah. She was wrapping her tall body around the enormous velvet curtains, and was singing loudly to an unresponsive Ally. He spoke hesitatingly.

"I think she's too tall to be a dwarf. Your shorter friend suits it though."

Poor, poor, Ally.

"I really thought you or Ariana would get the role of the prince."

"I already told you why I wanted to be the mirror, and Ari's better as a stagehand."

Camila swung her sword erratically in the air, and poked it at Lauren's arched back. Lauren felt the sword's point travel across her spine, and she smirked when it drew an invisible heart. She swung her legs idly over the roof's edge, and a slender pair of arms encircled her from behind. Camila crossed her arms over Lauren, and loosely dangled the sword in one hand. She whispered onto Lauren's clothed shoulder.



"Where's your lunch?"

"I ate it during rehearsal."

"Did my cooking really get better?"


"I think you make an excellent mirror."

"Charmed by my honesty?"

"It was fun watching you - c'mon, we should go back."

Camila withdrew from the embrace and placed the sword back into her belt. She stood in place as Lauren hopped down from the raised ledge, and outstretched a hand. Lauren took it and Camila turned to lead the way, she stopped when Lauren jerked her back.


Lauren admitted nothing and pulled her suddenly. Camila awkwardly slammed onto Lauren's body, and blushed when lips hovered near her flushed right ear. The words were bordering on being playful and serious, and Camila knew Lauren meant everything said.

"I'm not going to let the kiss happen."

She traced Camila's lower lip and smiled at the pair of bashful eyes.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?"




"You know, I like you best when you're playing soccer."

Ariana expressed her sentiments wearily, and tossed Lauren a soccer ball. Lauren tucked the ball under her feet, and pulled a jersey over her head.

Ariana sighed loudly and went down the bench to Sofi, she gently placed the ball by the younger girl's side.

"Sofi, do you have time after practice?"

Sofi smiled brightly at the question and nodded her head vigorously. Ariana beamed back at the response, but hid the glee when she heard Lauren's cough. Lauren sprang up from the bench and kicked her soccer ball out into the grassy field, she offered Ariana a cocky grin as she talked.

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