20- If That So..

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Boboiboy's pov

My alarm rang, waking me up from my beauty sleep well not really.. I finally got my sleep after I done my subuh prayer (6 a.m.) and yup I don't sleep until that time. I still can't forget the last night incident and everytime I remember it, it'll makes me smile. It's 10 a.m. Athena usually didn't wake up yet since it's our midlle year school break.

I went out to the living room and found that Athena woke up earlier than me. She's now listening to music while scrolling on her phone. I starred at her with a smile. Whether my eyes got brighter or she's the one who looks prettier than before. She's humming a song that I know; hopefully sky by Jeong EunJi. I sat beside her who is leaning against the sofa. I do the same thing; starring. Maybe it makes her feels uncomfortable, she took out the earphones and look at me.

"What? Something on my face?" she asked with her cute innocent face and with her usual question every time I starres at her. I chuckle. It's just like I've forgot all the problems between us.

"Yeah you look prettier. Do you wear make up today. " I said closest my face to her. Her eyes bigger and her fair face looks red. She wear back her earphone and without a word she went out. I followed her.

"Where do you wanna go? "
"Breakfast. " she answered heading to grandad's stall. We both took a seat and gave an order to Ochobot who is at the counter.

"Special hot chocolate! " me and Athena said in unison made both of us exchange look. I smile teasingly while she just pout.

"Ok bosses! " Ochobot quickly make the special hot chocolate for both of us. Man, I thought she would order ice chocolate.

"Umm.. I don't know you like hot chocolate. You use to order ice chocolate. " I expressed my curious feeling cause as I know she don't really like hot drink. The special hot chocolate were finally served. Athena took a first sip before she took out her earphone again and answer my question.

"Well I do but tok abah said it's not good to take ice drink often especially in morning. He also said that his friend.. "

"Once entered the hospital and he often order ice chocolate? " I cut her word as I know the story. She starred at me.

"How did you know? " she asked.

"Tok abah once told me that too. And do you know why he got into hospital? " I asked almost laughing after thinking of the story back. Athena already burst out laugh.

"Fell into the drain? " she said between her laugh make both of us burst out laugh.

"My my, both of my grandchildren look so happy. What are you guys chatting about? " grandad came with a box of the stall's stocks that he just bought. I noticed it and quickly help home to lift up the box.

"Nothing, just chatting about the unimportant thing. " I answered as I put the box on the counter and went back to my seat.

"Oh yeah Athena, your mother just called me this morning and she said she'll come this evening to discuss about the same thing. " grandad informed makes Athena pulled back her smile. She looked at me .

"She'll never give up. " she said sadly. I hold her hand.

"You know what's best. " though it's hard to let her go, I'm still thinking about adudu's threat that makes me feels like Athena is not safe staying here.

Normal pov

It's 1 p.m. the situation just like yesterday just this time boboiboy's mother were not joining them.

"My husband will register Athena to her old school back. " Tina stated. Make everyone in the house felt unsatisfied.

"Do I really have to go mom? " Athena asked looking at her mother pathetically. Last day's argument seems doesn't make any change to her mother's decision.

"Yes. I've discussed with your dad and he agreed with that." Athena sighed, looking the floor. Boboiboy just patted her.

"Can't you think about it again. I feels pity for Athena. She already get used with village atmosphere. " grandad defended his granddaughter.

"I'm sorry dad. I don't want Athena to be in danger again. I thought sending Athena here was a good idea but I was wrong. " Mrs Henderson said. Athena grasp her fist. Can't find a word to said yet don't wanna fight with her mom anymore. She just tired, nothing can change her mom decision even her own father can't . She decided to just stick to the flow and just accept what happen.

Grandad sighed hearing to his last daughter's answer. Deep inside he do feel guilty for not taking good care on his granddaughter. "If that your decision. You know what's best. When will you leave? " grandad asked, gave up.

"Atok?! " Boboiboy who surprised with the answer stood in jolt but Athena quickly pulled him back to sitting position. Boboiboy looked at Athena who already give up. As both of them not saying a word they continued.

"Next week maybe. After the summer break end. " she replied his father's question. Making three of them shocked.

Athena felt her tears formed in her eyes. No she can't cry it'll be so embarrassing. She got up and quickly leave the house as the atmosphere were so uncomfortable. The atmosphere at the antic house we're quiet for a moment before grandad start asking.

"You sure this is the best choice?" He asked his last daughter. Tina stared at the door where Athena stepped out a minute ago before answer.

"Yes. "

-Grandad's stall-

Athena sat in front of the counter, just watched the yellow power sphere doing his usual job. The weather were cloudy and relaxing somehow she felt like the wind flew away her problems. She stared at the skies.
"I miss my friend but I don't want to leave either. " she said to herself.

"Hmm that's a big problem. " Ochobot who just finished his job came from nowhere. Makes Athena shocked.

"Hihi. You wanna order anything? I'm kinda free right now. " Ochobot offered, just to cheers Athena up. Athena about to open her mouth but a voice stopped her.

"Hot chocolate for two. " Boboiboy ordered as he took a seat beside Athena.

"Siap boss. " Ochobot started to do his job.

"Why are you here? " Athena asked.

"I just don't want to here adult conversation. " he simply replied. The special hot chocolates were served in no time. They took a first sip. Just then they felt an earthquake. Ochobot jolted. Boboiboy choked the special hot chocolate, Athena burst it all. They looked each other. Both of them glanced backward made both of them. Widened up their eyes.

"Hey, I heard this city girl were about yo leave. So, we shall finish what we've started? " The green alien smirked on the top of mega probe's body.

Both of them gasped.
"Adudu!? " they shouted in unison.

There you go. Hope you like it don't forget to vote. 🌟


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