The End of it All

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I open my eyes, and get up. Francis stands, and we look at each other. The only thing that I can wonder is if it worked. We decide to check, so we walk to the wall. Francis is first, and he walks into it.

"Ouch!" he says, rubbing his nose. "I can't pass through!"

I now notice a door that wasn't there before, and point to it. We go through, and past the basement (which is perfectly fine, now) and up to the exit.

"You ready?" Francis asks, reaching toward the handle.

I sigh, my heart beating very fast in my chest. Then I nod, because my throat is becoming to too tight to say anything.

Francis takes a deep breath, and then pulls!

Nothing happens. My stomach falls into my feet, and I inhale sharply. After all of that. Nothing.

Francis is quiet as well, and suddenly I feel his arms around me, hugging me tightly. 

"I'm so sorry," he whispers. "I should never of brought you here and let you in. You could have had such a long, free, happy life. I'm so selfish, I wish-"

I'm looking over his shoulder at the door, when I realize- and I laugh. "Francis," I say. "It's just locked!"

Francis looks up, confused, and sees it. He unlocks the door, and then pulls on the handle. The door opens.

Francis and I look at each other, and smile. As we step out, I embrace the warm air, and the sun beaming down on me. I laugh and cry all at once, spinning around and feeling the sand under my toes. Francis is laughing too, and he takes my hands, spinning with me until we fall, laughing. We're laying on our backs, looking up at the clouds. I turn to him, studying his peaceful face. He turns to me, and grins. We lay like that for a little while, staring at each other, before he pulls me closer to him, his arm under my head as a pillow. 

I close my eyes, and lay my head against the side of his. 

"I love you," he whispers.

I smile at his words, and sit up, leaning down to kiss him. 

"I love you too," I say once I'm sitting again.

He smiles, looking happier than I've ever seen him.

I lay back down on his arm, and we must stay like that for hours. 

Freedom, I think with a sigh, has never felt so good.

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