Chapter Nine: A New Vibe

Start from the beginning

I closed my eyes and just for a moment I let go of all my thoughts and mixed feelings

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I closed my eyes and just for a moment I let go of all my thoughts and mixed feelings. I imagined myself running through a garden full of wild flowers. So free of all my worries and problems. The bell rang and just like that the taste of complete freedom without worries vanished. I was still a bit dizzy so I laid my head on his chest as I felt his hand resting on my waist. Ms. Lee came out of the classroom and gave both of us our passes along with some candy. We walked out of the class together still laughing and talking like if we knew each other so well. "So you never answered my question?" he asked "Which one?" I said. "How do you like this school so far?". If I could be honest to his question I would tell him how much I really hate it. Not only because I had a new enemy to deal with but because it had to do with a boy. One who managed to get under my skin so deep that I was afraid of losing control.

I had to admit though spending time at the garden with him made me forget all about my three troubles. Jake..James and Lina. "I guess it's okay so far" I smiled at him. "I hope I'm part of the reason that it's going okay" he said with a shy smile. (Is he really flirting with me right now?) "I uh should get to class before I'm late" I didn't mean to be rude but I was still going out with Jake and the last thing I needed was another guy added to my list of problems. He gave me one last smile and offered to walk me to class. On our way there he was telling me about some of the places around town that are fun to go too. He even invited me to go out one day to the movies with him.

Of course I had to sit that one out even though we both had enjoyed our time together. At the end of the day I wasn't single and I still cared for Jake. Even if he didn't want anything to do with me at the moment. Jake never really called it off. We kept talking and laughing about dumb stuff on the way when we finally reached my class. "Thanks again for walking me to class" I said with a smile before going inside. "Oh of course you're welcome..Thank you for helping me start my day in such a great way" he chuckled. "By the way I didn't get your name?" I couldn't believe we didn't introduce ourselves. It must've skipped our mind since we both hit it off so well. It felt as if we knew each other already. "My name is Jazmin what's yours?" "I'm-".

"Miles!!"..(Oh great!) I didn't have to turn around to see who it was I recognized his annoying voice. So in order to avoid him I quickly gave a hug to the guy that I had just met. I said thanks again and walked inside the class right away. He must've felt like an idiot the way I cut him off and hurried away. I didn't even get his name. I wasn't even sure as to why I was trying so hard to avoid bumping into James. I had him for the next class and he was after all my next door neighbor. So I was bound to see him face to face at some point. I sat down and looked over to the classroom door. The guy I had met was still standing by it but looking elsewhere.

He gave out a cheerful laugh and caught a football that was thrown to him then he looked over to me and smiled. I shyly returned the smile and turned my head down. I felt embarrassed he had caught me looking at him. Though I was a bit thrown off when I saw the football he was holding on his hands. (Could James have thrown that to him?) Noo..That would be a one in a million shot. The guy I met was sweet and shy also had a great sense of humor while James was arrogant, rude and self centered. There was no way that guy would ever consider someone like James a friend. I couldn't help but keep my eyes glued to the door waiting to see James walk into class but he never showed up. I guess he preferred to ditch the class. Guess I wasn't the only one trying to hide. For some odd reason the thought of him avoiding me kind of hurt.

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