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In a small town, far from where you probably sit reading this book, there was a beach. Barnacle Beach was what the children called it, and it was a popular place for people to go. On that beach their stood a lighthouse, which loomed above the ground at the edge of the sand with enormous height, and anyone who looked at it had to work hard to look away. Towering and bright, the lighthouse caught attention of any viewers eyes, almost like a snake with eyes that hypnotize.

Their was a legend about the lighthouse. It said that inside, there was a ghost. It had been operating the lighthouse for ten years, and nobody knew the occupant. Some of this tale is true, at least. No, there was not a ghost, but you will see what there was in the chapters to come. But yes, someone HAD been controlling the lighthouse for that time, and no one knew who. Some, at the town (rumors pass quickly there, seeing as it's so small) said that it was impossible to get in, and people had tried for years to break inside. It was like a barrier was forged around it, blocking others out.

The rumor of the lighthouse keeper had been going for so long, and when nothing proved it, people began to forget. But then something came along: The lighthouse stopped working entirely. That or the owner had stopped using it. Or, maybe, as the most popular rumor stated, he/she had died. But that, of course, disproved the ghost theory, which disappointed many children. Rumors were treasured there, because nothing exciting ever seemed to happen.

But, something did. A girl, curious and brave, ventured to the lighthouse to solve the mystery of the lighthouse keeper. She was in 10th grade, and her name was Claire. She had eyes of blue, and brown hair. She didn't have any family, but instead was raised by her foster dad, who was a scientist who never seemed to notice her or care that she existed. Her only friend was Susan, who you will learn more about soon.

So this is the story of Claire's adventure, and I certainly hope that you are entertained by the events to come. Claire- oh, I'm done saying this like I'm a narrator. No, I will tell you now that I am Claire, and this is my story. I will now tell you what happened.

How it started, what I did, who the keeper of the lighthouse was, and, of course, the adventure that brought me to where I sit today.

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