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*Onika's pov*

I took a picture of the cast on my hand and sent it to my group chat with: Gabi, Harley, and Ray. Xavier drove us back to the house. I followed him inside and we sat on the couch. "Can we talk now?" he asked.
"Yeah I think I'm calmed down," I sighed a bit. He sat with me and smiled small at me. "So we need to come up with some rules okay? I know you don't want to but we need to set some basic rules okay?" he looked at me. I nodded and shrugged a bit. "I wont be too hard on you but you need to at least ask me before you make plans okay?"
"Reasonable," I nodded.
"Also if you have friends over they aren't allowed to stay longer than 6 on school nights okay?"
"6??" I sighed.
"6," he nodded. I nodded too and shrugged a bit. "Can you not be so hard about it though? Rules are fine but until we get closer I don't want you to be bossing me around."
"Alright," he nodded a bit and leaned back.
"Thanks," I shrugged a bit.
"No problem," he smiled at me.
"Can I go to my room now?" I sighed a bit.
"Yeah go ahead," he nodded. I walked downstairs and sat down on my bed. I checked the groupchat.

What happened On?!

Oh my god! Onika!

What did you o?!

Ouch damn!

I bunched my
brick wall...

Why On??


Cause I was
angry and mad
at Xavier and
at Melo..

Damn I'm sorry

Awh On...

Are you okay now??

I think so, yea.


Good On..

Glad you're okay,
you can always
talk to us.

I know that.
Thank you guys.

*Melo's pov*

I sat down on my bed and I got my phone out. I called Ashley and waited for her to answer. She picked up not long after. "Hey babe," she giggled.
"Don't call me babe," I shrugged, "I want to be with Onika, only Onika. I don't want to even be friends with you if it means that I lose Onika. I'm sorry but I really like On and that's who I want to be with. If you're mad I'm sorry but that's my decision."
"Really?" she laughed harsh, "You're choosing a sophomore over me?"
"Yeah I am," I laughed back.
"Whatever LaMelo," she hung up. I put my phone away and honestly I felt nothing. I didn't feel bad I left her. I felt relieved. I could plan my way to get Onika back. She's the one I want. The one I have feelings for.

*Onika's pov*

The next morning my alarm woke me up for school. I got up and started to get ready. I wasn't in any mood to be getting ready all fancy. I threw on some brows, concealer, powder, and highlight. I curled my lashes as well and called it good. I put on some leggings and a Chino Hills hoodie. I put my hair up into a bun and got my back pack ready to go. I walked upstairs and sat down at the table. Xavier was already off to work by now. I started to eat what he left me, which was two pancakes and bacon. I smiled big. It was nice to have it made for me. He also included a note telling me to have a good day. I texted Gabi that I was ready, seeing she's my ride.

Once Gabi got here I went and got in. "You took a lot quicker today," she laughed, driving to school.
"Didn't try too hard," I laughed, shrugging.
"You still look bomb," she nodded.
"Thanks Gabi," I smiled a bit. We got to school not long after. We got out and she locked her car. I walked inside with her and went to the office. I got a form for drivers ed and went to my locker. I put my bag in and got out my first hour stuff. I shut my locker and leaned back on my locker. I took a deep breath and walked to class. I avoided Melo at all costs. I even took the long way to my 3rd class because it passes his locker if I go the regular way.

Once lunch came around Gabi, Ray, Harley, and I were sitting at our regular spot. My hand was throbbing from using it so much today. "My hand is seriously killing me," I sighed, eating with my opposite hand. It was my right hand, my dominate hand, that was injured. So I have been using it a lot, which makes it hurt worse. "I bet," Gabi sighed. As we ate and talked someone came over. "Is it true your parents are criminals??" he laughed at me, "Freak." then he walked away. I rolled my eyes at him and continued to eat. Not even two minutes later another person came up to me. "Are you going to turn into a cereal killer like your parents!!?!?" she gasped and walked away laughing.
"My parents aren't cereal killers dumbass!!!" I yelled back at her. She just laughed. "What the hell is going on?!" I looked at them. They all just shrugged, not sure either. Someone else walked up to me, "You say one thing and I will punch your teeth out," I looked up at the girl and her face went pale. She scurried away back to her table. I was never violent but I guess all the anger and emotions I've been holding in are really getting to me. "What is up with you?" Ray sighed.
"I don't know," I shook my head, looking down.
"You need to talk to a counselor," Gabi rubbed my back.
"No I'm okay," I shook my head and looked up again.
"I think Gabi is right," Ray nodded. I sighed a bit. I knew they were right. "I guess," I shrugged. I heard someone else walking up behind me. I turned around, "Don't fucking say a word!!" I yelled, then realized who it was. LaMelo. "Damn are you that mad at me?" he looked hurt.
"No I'm sorry I just," I shook my head, "I can't do this," I laughed a bit as tears formed in my eyes. I jogged out of the cafeteria and out to my locker. I got my book bag out and texted Xavier to come and get me. I turned around and Melo was standing there. "Hey whats goin on??" he sighed.
"Everyone's talking about my parents getting locked up, telling me I'm going to turn out like them!" I let a tear fall, "I'm not!!!"
"I know you aren't," he sighed, not fazed by my yelling.
"I need to go home. I cant talk to you right now. I have enough on my plate and my fucking hand wont stop hurting and I just-" I started to cry. Melo pulled me into a hug and held me closer. "I'll drop you off at home okay? Have Xavier call you in and I'll drive you home," he sighed. I cried and nodded. He rubbed my back till I calmed down. "It's okay, no matter how mad you are at me I'm not going to let you push me away Onika. I'm here to stay, I swear," he told me...

High School (LaMelo Ball)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz