Doing it (?)

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Before reading: I'm going to be making winwin say full sentences now. I was trying to make him cute in previous chapters and even though he's better at speaking in Korean now, I didn't figure he was better at typing but people are getting offended, saying that they think I'm making him look dumb, and I don't want or mean to offend anyone, so he will be saying full sentences now.

~everyone has logged on~

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: sorry Haechan

Dongsookie: it's fine..

FebreezeMan: did Mark indirectly insult Haechan again ?

Nakamoto: jeez, Mark

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: accidentally !!

CringeyJohnny: Mark lets all just do it already

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: you sure about that?

Dongsookie: really...?

CringeyJohnny: legit everyone shares, it wouldn't be weird

Dongsookie: okay..

Nakamoto: it's like you guys are forgetting the dream members are still on

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: Haechan and I are in the dream unit

Dongsookie: Jaemin and Jeno are dating too

Nakamoto: first of all I don't even think Jaemin and Jeno know anything about know. And we still have a Chenle, Renjun and Jisung who are online.

ThatOneSinger: no offence but I don't think Winwin knows anything about...yeah... either

BabyWinWin: about what ? ( ◞・౪・)

ThatOneSinger: nothing...nothing, Winwin

ThailandPrince: okay, so now that we're all here we can talk about the chores that need to be done around the dorm because I don't think it's fair that Yuta has been doing all the cleaning

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: you don't help him either Ten-

ThailandPrince: I'm just suggesting we should all have roles on what we should do around the dorm.

MaknaeJisung: you know what, I actually have homework to do. Got to go

~MaknaeJisung has logged off~

FebreezeMan: dang it, that Maknae

Nakamoto: I actually enjoy cleaning though, it relieves the stress you all put on me

CringeyJohnny: what

Nakamoto: I mean what

Dongsookie: so are we doing it ?

ChewingGumRenjun: doing what?

StrawberryChenle: can Renjun and I play too??

Nakamoto: NO!

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: this is for only big boys, you two

StrawberryChenle: we are big boys!!

ImOlderThanYouThinkIAm: in a couple more years. For now, you two can continue watching Pokémon

ChewingGumRenjun: that reminds me Chenle, I forgot to tell you that I got a charzard on my Pokémon go app!

StrawberryChenle: OMG YOU DID?! Where did you find it?! I've wanted one for so long !! I can never find them !

ChewingGumRenjun: I found it earlier today! That's why I was trying to call you!

StrawberryChenle: but I was in the washroom 😥😥

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