Talking about it

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~Jungjae has logged on~

~Nakamoto has logged on~ 

Jungjae: so why did you want to talk to me ? 

Nakamoto: I think you and I both know why I wanted to talk to you. 

Jungjae: if it's because of what I think, then I don't want to talk about it. 

Nakamoto: well, Jaehyun I don't know if Taeil told you this but he said that you two are now dating? 

Jungjae: yeah, so what? 

Nakamoto: and you're still being rude to him, you're still hitting him? 

Jungjae: I'm not being rude to him, that's just how I show my love 

Nakamoto: or is it how you try to hide your love? 

Jungjae: what? 

Nakamoto: I don't know, I could be wrong, but are you showing anger towards Taeil because you're embarrassed of your feelings towards him ? 

Jungjae: e-embarrassed?! Why would I be embarrassed of Taeil, I would...I would never!

Nakamoto: are you sure? Then what's the reason why you treat him so differently then everyone else in the group, huh? Why don't you hit me, or Mark? Why do you only get angry at Taeil 

Jungjae: I told you, it's how I show my love-!

Nakamoto: well even if you aren't going to tell me the truth, I won't force you to, but it's not right. Showing your 'love' for someone through hatred and violence is not how it works. You have to treat the person you love with care. 

Jungjae: who says, there's no 'rule book' to love and how you're suppose to show it 

Nakamoto: no, there's not...but if you're doing something to someone, to inflict pain and discomfort to them, when you know they don't like it, then do you think that's really showing love? If anything, at one point or another it's just going to make Taeil question whether you love him or not. 

Jungjae: he knows I love him 

Nakamoto: he does now, but what if you continue being like this down the road, do you think he would want to put up with all the screaming and abuse? 

Jungjae: whatever...I don't need to listen to you, you're just being as annoying as everyone else! You're annoying me!

Nakamoto: I'm sorry I'm annoying you with the truth, but you're going to have to hear it from someone one way or another. whether it be me or maybe a psychiatrist. 

Jungjae: psychiatrist?! 

Nakamoto: I think it'll be a good thing if you go to see someone for your anger problems, Jaehyun 

Jungjae: so you're saying I need anger management?! Great, you're just like everyone else! Everyone's saying the same things, and I don't want to hear it, I'm not crazy! 

Nakamoto: just because I'm saying you should see someone, doesn't mean I think you're crazy, Jaehyun. Some people just need to talk about their feelings. 

Jungjae: if I just need to 'talk about my feelings' I can do that to anyone

Nakamoto: yeah, but some of us sometimes might not have the answers to your stories or your questions, with a professional they can help you, they can help you express your anger in other ways rather then physical. 

Jungjae: why does everyone even think I have anger problems? I get angry at the normal things other people do, this is bull! 

Nakamoto: maybe because you get angry at the littlest things, and even if you do get angry at something logical, you always try bringing violence into it, no matter what the cost even if it ends up hurting yourself or the other people. Nothing is ever solved with violence, Jaehyun. 

Jungjae: I show violence because if I don't, people won't understand otherwise 

Nakamoto: they will, you just haven't tried it any other way... 

Jungjae: I ...I still don't want to go, you can't make me! 

Nakamoto: I know I can't...I'll let you sleep on it though, if you really think you need it then I'll help you get some, if you want to be stubborn and not get any at all, then so be it. I can't force you to do something you don't want to do. Just think about what I said. 

~Nakamoto has logged off~ 

Jungjae: ...FUCK

~Jungjae has logged off~

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