Chapter 10- The Surprise

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The next morning at breakfast, Lisa asks me: "Do you already have your dress for the spring ball?"

Ah, the spring ball. I had completely forgotten about it with everything else going on, but now I remember Sam asked me to go with him.

When I don't answer right away, she quickly says: "Oh, sorry, I forgot you were new at this school. Do you even know what the spring ball is?"

I shake my head, happy that someone is finally going to explain it to me. "Not really, no."

"Well, it's a ball that takes place every year in April. As the name already says, it's to celebrate the day of spring and the warmer days and stuff. It's our school's version of prom."

"It must be fancy then," I assume, thinking of the videos about prom I've seen on YouTube.

"Well, yeah. The girls are in cute dresses –short ones, no one really wears long dresses- and the boys wear suits."

I imagine Sam in a suit. He already looks so hot in casual clothes; he has to look breathtaking in elegant ones.

"I'll need to go dress-shopping then," I tell Lisa.

She beams, apparently hoping that I would say this. "Perfect! Because I haven't got a dress either. Do you want to go shopping this morning? Or are you already sick of me?"

"No, no, of course not."

"Great. I know a couple of cool places I always go to with... with Stella." She awkwardly coughs, probably regretting mentioning the friend she's not talking to, and I decide to act as if I hadn't noticed it. We both continue eating breakfast while she tells me about her dream dress.

However, Lisa mentioning Stella has given me an idea. It's been a week since their fight, and it's clear they are miserable without each other. Personally, I think it's quite stupid to be mad at someone for so long for something so trivial –Stella was just trying to be a good friend after all- but they are both too stubborn to apologize to the other. Maybe they just need a little push.

When Lisa's in the bathroom, I call Sam. He picks up almost immediately.

"Wow, so many calls this week. You know, little Roxy, if you want to talk to me so badly, you can just come over. I live like three streets away." His voice is raspy and still full of sleep, and I imagine him drinking a coffee in his sweats. Shirtless, of course.

I consider it. "I've never been at your place."

"See? And my room's pretty cool."

"I bet it's super messy," I snicker.

"I wish I could say I do not correspond to that teenager cliché but yeah... it is super messy."

I laugh. "As much as I would love to come over and see your super cool, messy room-" I mimic his deep voice while saying those words, making him interrupt me.

"- I do not talk like that," he complains.

"Yes you do. Anyways, I would love to come over, but Lisa's here."

"Oh, right. She slept at your place."

"Exactly. And now she wants to go shopping for dresses for the spring ball."

"Don't forget to tell me which color your dress is so I can get a tie in the same color."

My stomach gets all fuzzy again at the thought of going to the ball together with Sam. I giggle. "I can't imagine you with a tie."

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