chapter 3

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•Hey, tell me what you want me to say
You know I'm stupid for you
Hey, can you come-a come out and play?
You know I'm stupid for you•

Ashton's pov
Today was the day I actually spoke to Luke. You see I wasn't the most confident but i was extremely excited to actually say hi to him.
I stumbled up the stairs leading to his front door, I blush as I knock on his door What if he doesn't answer? Maybe it's a bad time.. Fuck fuck I really really want to run away from this now, what have i done? But then the door opened and revealed blonde hair and a tall suit clad man ahhh I'm drooling over him, okay calm down Ashton.

"Hi I'm your neighbor, my names Ashton and you are?" I spoke, I already knew his name, what? I stalked him for a week...
"I'm Luke. Glad you aren't running away this time." Oh my fucking god Luke you sexy man have a sexy voice jesus christ.

Once the formalities had been made Luke asked me in for a cuppa which i gladly accepted like who'd turn down a coffee? Once i was seated i asked him what he did for a living given the fact the man only wears suits. "I'm the CEO of Twistlers it's the charity organisation of the arts." I almost swooned at the way he spoke ahh he's gorgeous. "I'm currently working part time in the shop down the street but Im studying music," Luke then questioned "Can you play an instrument? because if so maybe you could give me a private show sometime." as he winked at me and jesus christ did i burn up.

After we had a chat I found out how amazing he actually was, he helps those who are struggling to find a way in the arts and he did it because he wanted to help them not because he needed to. I was truly blessed to meet this man.

I excused myself an hour later apologising for intruding, he said he wasn't bothered and that he enjoyed meeting me but i felt bad. So once i was outside I was excited to tell Michael all about it. But when i got to my door I saw this gorgeous girl with black hair walk up to his door and enters...

I've been dead for some time but I've not been motivated to rewrite this but please enjoy this shit storm. Basically i've been working my butt off and have gotten a full time job in the pharmacy i work at and i'm becoming a dispenser but my mental health is getting too much soooo this is my escape so enjoy :) - beca xxx

Stupid For You • Lashton Where stories live. Discover now