“Tattoos are permanent, Cassie.” 

She shrugged, snapping her compact shut.  “She got her nose pierced without your parents’ permission.”

    “She can take it out if she wants.  She can’t just wash the tattoo off when she’s bored of it.”

    “Well I’m not asking my mum before I get my belly pierced this afternoon.”

I grimaced.  “You’re making a big mistake there.”

    “Don’t care.  It’s a done deal.”

    “Still a mistake.”

Cassie pinched my shoulder with her manicured nails.  “Well.  I can’t wait till I get it done.”

I rolled my eyes at her.  Sometimes I wished she was less stubborn. 

    “So you’re not getting yours done then?”

I snorted into my drink.  “Umm, no.”

    “You don’t have to dis me.”

I gave her an apologetic smile.  “It’s just not my thing.”

    “But I thought you wanted it done when you saw that girl with hers done in town that time.  You know, when we were in Top Shop.”

    “I’ve changed my mind.”

    “Whatever.  Your loss.”

    “I just don’t fancy having my stomach clamped before having a giant needle shoved through it.”

Cassie’s face paled, even under all of the foundation she was wearing; I was always trying to get her to cut down on the amount she used. 

    “It’ll be worth it in the end.”

    “If you say so,” I replied, picking up my plate and scooting back in my chair.  “I’ll just put this away and then we can head to French.”

Cassie nodded, her attention back on the reflection in her compact mirror as she slavered on a layer of pink lip gloss.  Sometimes I worried about her.

    Tipping my rubbish into the bin, I didn’t notice someone coming up beside me until I heard a voice.

    “Hey Harriet.”

I spun around to see a guy dressed in a white polo shirt and jeans smiling down at me.  I smiled back when inside all my brain was telling me to do was run away.  I thought I made it clear that I wasn’t interested?

    “Hey Brandon.”

His smile grew at my response.  “You heading to French in a bit?”

    “Well, it is our next class,” I replied, immediately berating myself for being sarky towards him.  He’s only being friendly.  “I mean, I’ve just got to get my stuff.”

    “Cool.  Can I walk you?”

I held in a sigh.  “I’m walking with Cassie.  You can join us if you want?”

His smile faltered for a second.  “Sure.  If that’s okay?”

    “Course.”  I nodded, heading back to the table with Brandon following closely behind.

    Cassie gave me her ‘Oh my God’ face when she saw who I’d brought back to the table with me.  I just picked up my bag and tried to ignore her.

    “He is so fit!” Cassie exclaimed in an excited whisper as she, like Brandon, hurried to keep up with me.  I was almost running down the languages corridor.  All I wanted to do was get to my seat and pretend to do some work for the next couple of hours and then I could go home.

Sometimesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें