Samantha Carr

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(Spanning from 2x12 to 2x15)

February 13th 2017

Lena looked on as the personification of sunshine walked out of her office. Her smile slowly faded, realising that it had been a long time since she'd felt like this. She sat down on the couch and picked up one of the chess pieces from her board, thinking back to one of her earliest memories.

She remembered being intimidated by the giant mansion. By all the unfamiliar faces. But there was a friendly boy who had taught her a new game. It turned out she liked the game. And for the first (and only) time in her life, her new mother had told her that she might be a true Luthor which, at the time, had made her feel incredibly happy and completely safe. She'd felt safe, because she had a family again. She hadn't felt like that ever since. Not until today. Not until after the very woman who had made her feel like this the first time, had used her to get access to advanced weaponry. Not until Supergirl had uttered the words that had brought hope back to her heart: 'Kara Danvers believes in you.'

So it had been 20 years since she had felt that happy and that protected. But after seeing Kara again just now, and hugging her tightly, those feelings had come flooding back to her. She put one white knight back on the chess board and looked at the doors of her office, where another had just walked out.

Just 24 hours ago, this would have been unthinkable. Just 24 hours ago a detective had walked in here with not one, not two, but three colleagues accompanying her. As if they were going to have to forcefully restrain her. Like she could have done anything after seeing the look on Kara's face. Those eyes of hers were an open book and she knew what that look had meant. That look, when she had seen the tampered security footage. Which was probably the reason why she'd believed the eldest Luthor, when she'd proclaimed that no one was on her side. Of course her first thought was to yell Kara's name back at her. Of course her mind went straight to her friend's honest and understanding looks. But it also replayed the image of the inerasable footage that the whole city would get to see. The image of Kara being convinced by it...

You would think that being arrested, being coerced to join a terrorist organisation and being left to die, would by far be the scariest parts of yesterday's events. Lena thought, however, that being broken out of prison by someone who had haunted you for several days, was a lot more frightening.

There were strange noises coming from the hallway. Lena climbed down from her uncomfortable bed and stepped closer to the metal bars of her cell. She peered towards the end of the hall, but couldn't get a glimpse of what was happening. As she looked up at the mirror hung on the wall, however, she could see flashes of bright green appearing from the offending area. She glanced to the other end of the hall and back again, but the guards who had just been making fun of her were nowhere to be found. There was a loud noise, as if a laser was being fired, and then the noises stopped. As a man stepped in sight and approached her cell, Lena stepped back from the metal door looking horrified. She flinched as John Corben ripped the door from its hinges and threw it to the side like it was nothing. She also felt slightly relieved that he clearly wasn't a ghost anymore.

"Hello, Ms. Luthor. Sorry for the delay."

Lena's eyes widened as she tried to prevent her body from trembling. "You were dead" she muttered weakly. The man grinned devilishly, as she remembered him doing so often, while stepping into the cell.

"As it turns out, Ms. Luthor, I was in a coma." He stepped closer with his grin still in place. "Lillian Luthor was kind enough to bring me back. And to give me some perks, as well." He glanced down at the glowing green hole in his chest before looking back up again. "Your mother is not a patient woman Ms. Luthor, so you can come with me the easy way," he roughly grabbed her arm, "or the hard way." Lena winced in pain at the touch as she realised she didn't have much of a choice. "What's the matter, Ms. Luthor? Are you going to start crying again?" Lena's head shot up, looking at the man's sadistic grin. He remembered. He remembered everything...

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