5. Cook

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Harry stood up from his seat, slowly walking toward the kitchen.

He felt a gun press against his back.

"That's really not necessary.." Harry said, nervously. "I'm not gonna do anything."

"You can never be too careful." Louis walked closely behind him. "Can't have you doing something stupid."

Once they made it into the kitchen, Harry felt the gun pull away from his back.

"Well.." Louis sat down on a nearby barstool. "Get cooking."

Harry stood nervously in the middle of the kitchen.

"I said, get cooking!" Louis raised his gun. "I'm starving."

"Alright, I'm going.." Harry gulped before walking over to the grocery bags placed on the counter.

"What is that stuff?" Louis furrowed his brows.

"This is um.." Harry shoved his bound hands into the paper bag, pulling out a few food items. "Chicken and mozzarella cheese."

"Oh.." Louis paused. "What else?"

"And umm.." Harry pulled out a couple more things. "Parma-ham and some stuff to make some homemade mashed potatoes."

"Dang.." Louis cocked his head. "You were gonna eat all that by yourself?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah.. I suppose."

"Well I guess it's a good thing I showed up then.." Louis teased. "Now you don't have to eat alone."

Louis readjusted his hand on the gun, making Harry nervous.

"Could you maybe lower that gun.. You're making me nervous." Harry looked down the barrel.


"What if you accidentally pull the trigger.. or something."

"How would I accidentally pull it?" Louis sneered. "Have you ever actually held a gun before?"

"No." Harry unwrapped the chicken. "I don't like guns."

"Why?" Louis examined the gun. "Guns are cool."

"Guns kill people." Harry grabbed a pan from one of the shelves and placed it on the stove. "I would never hurt anyone.. Therefore why would I hold one?"

"There you go again with the whole 'Mr. Perfect' act." Louis used air quotes.

"So me not wanting to hurt someone makes me perfect?" Harry turned on the stove as he said it.

"Just shut up and cook." The criminal rolled his eyes.

Harry placed the chicken onto the sizzling pan.

Louis watched as he started opening up the cheese. "Where did you learn to cook?"

"I'm kind of self-taught." Harry placed the cheese on the chicken. "I really enjoy the domestic life."

"What does that mean?" Louis asked.

"It means that I enjoy taking care of my home and the people in it."

"But you live alone.." Louis raised a brow. "Right?"

"At the moment, yes." Harry said. "But I would really like to get married someday. I've always loved the word Spouse.. it doesn't get used nearly enough."

Louis shook his head. "Marriage is stupid."

"You never want to get married?"

"No.." Louis bit his lip. "People just break your heart."

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