4. Better

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They sat in silence before the sound of Harry's stomach growling filled the room.

"Can I at least have some food or something?" Harry asked. "I'm really hungry.. I haven't eaten dinner yet."

Louis leaned back in his chair. "I'm not your personal chef."

Harry shrugged. "I could cook us something.. I just got some ingredients at the store to make this new chicken dish I found online."

"And I'm suppose to just trust you around a bunch knives?" The criminal scoffed. "I don't think so."

"I wouldn't do that.." Harry paused. "I could never hurt someone."

"Yeah right!" Louis tilted his head back, chuckling loudly. "You expect me to believe that someone in your current situation wouldn't resort to killing?"

"No. Never." Harry said. "I would never do that."

Louis scoffed. "You're lying."

Louis stood up, walking over to Harry with the gun in his hand.

"What are you-" Harry's eyes widened.

"So if I gave you this gun right now.." Louis held up the gun. "You wouldn't shoot me?"

Harry paused, nervously biting his lip.

"No." Harry shook his head.

"Hmm." Louis twirled it in his hand. "Are you sure about that?"

Louis lifted the gun closer to Harry, almost handing it to him.

"Go on.." Louis shook the gun. "Take it."

Harry gulped, examining the gun being presented to him.

"Go on." Louis said again.

Harry let out a shaky breath before looking down.

"I said, I don't want it." Harry said. "Now, please get that thing away from me."

Louis snickered. "Okay. Suit yourself."

Louis sat back down, spreading his legs in a comfortable manner.

"Have you ever.." Harry paused, looking back up at him. "Killed anyone?"

"Yeah." Louis shrugged. "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."

"There is never an instance where a man should have to kill." Harry spouted. "It's not right."

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't give a shit about right and wrong."

"Well.." Harry shook his head in disgust. "You should."

Louis angrily glared over at him, causing Harry's heart to drop.

"I never asked for your fooking opinion!" Louis stood up from his chair, shaking his finger in Harry's direction. "Not everyone can be Mr. Perfect like you!"

"I-I never said I was perfect.. I-" Harry gulped.

"Then stop acting like you're better than me! You have no idea what I've been through!" Louis leaned down to where he was. "You're not better than me! Got it?"

"I know that. I-I'm sorry.." Harry stuttered.

"Good." The criminal stood up straight once again. "You should be."

They both sighed before the sound of Louis' stomach growling also filled the room.

"Goddammit." Louis groaned. "Now I'm hungry."

Louis looked down at Harry.

"So.." Louis folded his arms. "You're a cook, huh?"

"Yes.." He responded. "I'm a great cook, actually."

Louis grumbled to himself before abruptly running into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

Harry looked around nervously, waiting for him to return.

Suddenly Louis ran back into the room, holding a large knife.

All the color fell from Harry's face at the sight of the knife.

"W-What are you doing?" Harry whimpered, backing into the sofa.

Louis walked over to Harry, holding the knife tightly in his hand.

"W-Wait.. Stop!" Harry shouted.

"Oh shut up." The criminal crouched down to Harry's legs, cutting the tape off of them.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, looking down at him.

"Well you can't cook me something with your ankles tied, now can you?" Louis stood up.

"What about my hands?"

"I'm sure you can manage." Louis put the knife in his back pocket. "Now no funny business.. I'll have my gun pointed at your back the whole time."

Harry nodded.

"Good." Louis pulled his gun from his
pocket, motioning for him to stand. "Now get up."

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