Getting Home

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Adrien didn't know what to do, his lady and his princess were one in the same and he was completely blind to it until now. When they told him that Marinette could defend herself they were trying to tell him she was Ladybug, hell if he wasn't so jealous back then they could have joined up sooner to take down Fangs Way. Fangs Way who was Kid, Kid who was Marinettes roommate, Marinette who was Ladybug. His Lady, his girlfriend, was in trouble just by being in the same flat as that woman. He couldn't just sit back and let her stay there. He had to do, something. He had to make sure that she was safe. Ladybug was strong but everyone had to sleep sometime and Marinette trusted far too easily.

He sat up from his spot on the bed and looked quickly over to his sleeping kwami who was snoring loudly on the plate of half eaten cheese on his desk. He furrowed his brow and bit down on his thumbnail as his knee bounced up and down while his thoughts raced. He couldn't wake up Plagg just to go check on her as Chat Noir, she had no idea he was even Chat, did she? His foot thumped harder against the floor as he thought back to when they first kissed, then when he admitted his feelings towards her. She certainly acted as if she didn't have a single clue as to who Chat was, she even went so far as to count Chat and himself as two different people. No, she didn't know his secret. He wasn't even sure that he knew Ladybugs but he had such a strong gut feeling that she was Marinette. It was like he had been working on a puzzle for years and now the final piece was in place.

He stood, ready to call out for Plagg to transform him unto his superhero persona when a soft chiming noise coming from his phone had him stopping in his tracks. He moved to stand beside the head of the bed as the phone continued to vibrate and chime away at him. The name 'Princess' was lit up on the screen, startlingly White against Marinettes dark hair as it hovered over a picture of her sleeping at her desk in school. He slowly lifted the device and swiped across his screen to answer the call.

"H-hello?" He asked in a soft whisper.

"H-hi A-A-A-" he smiled at the sound of her nervous voice and moved to sit on his couch as he looked out at the deep darkness of night beyond his window.

"Hello Marinette. How are you doing at your flat?" He asked, not wanting to wait for her to stumble through his name.

"F-fine. Well, I'm in my room. Kid is upset but, Kid is upset that she turned into an, akuma." He heard her sigh softly and raised a brow at her statement.

"Are you worried about her turning again?" He asked softly as he looked to the sleeping Plagg. If she needed him he would transform in a second, sleeping kwami or no sleeping kwami.

"N-no. I can't explain why but I am sure she's not going to be doing that again." Her voice cracked halfway through her statement and he sat up quickly.

"Marinette, are you okay?" He asked as concern laced his voice.

"O-oh y-yeah." She mumbled over the device. He could hear it in her voice that she had been crying, the concern from hearing this was weighing on him so heavily that he was halfway to the sleeping Plagg before he came to his senses and stopped in his tracks. Was it really that hard on her to deal with Kid post akuma?

"You've been crying Mari, what happened?" He urged gently.

"No, I-i mean its no big deal okay."

"Was it something Kid or the boys did?" He asked in a soft whisper.

"No i-" she went silent, causing his heart to pound with worry as his nerves formed into a tight bundle around it in his chest.

"Marinette, you can trust me okay? What happened?" He asked as evenly as he could while fighting the shaking in his voice.

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