You're famous and he secretly likes you a lot~Josh

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Unable to speak, Josh pointed at you as you walked through the streets with several shopping bags in your hand. " This is (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" he shouted excitedly and looked dreamily at you. "Nah, I don't think that this is her." Tyler tried to convince Josh but Josh knew better. " Of course is that her! I bet with you that it's her. She actually is! Tyler, we need to talk to her! Come on!" Tyler smiled at him. "You can't go to her now like a screaming fan and..." But it already happened. Josh ran as fast as he could across the street directly to you. You were Josh's favorite singer and he wanted to meet you since forever. Of course he has been to almost all your concerts, but unfortunately he never got behind the stage.

"I'm sorry! Excuse me!" repeatedly called Josh. "(Y/N)? (Y/N) (Y/L/N)? " You turned confused around to face him, you thought that it was just another fan like some minutes ago. "Yes?" you asked nicely and took off your sunglasses. "Oh're really her." You had to laugh slightly on his reaction. "Well, that depends on who you think I am." Josh nodded sharply. "This is unbelievable! I... I love your music!" he complemented you. "Thank you, that's really cute of you...uh?" Josh needed a few seconds to understand what you meant. "Josh! My name is Josh!" he nervously introduced himself and held his hand out to you which you shook. "Oh!" suddenly his name and appearance were familiar to you. "You're the drummer of twenty one pilots, right? I'm very pleased to meet you." Josh's heart beats much faster than before and he can't believe that you recognized him too.

"I...I didn't think that I'll meet you here in the streets!" he blushed a bit. "You don't have to be shy." you said smiling and winked at him once. Josh had to smile really wide and couldn't believe his luck. After a quick look at your watch it came in your mind that you needed to go home urgently because you had an appointment later. "I gotta go now desperately, but we see us definitely at the British music awards, right?" Josh nodded vigorously and realized that you have to go now. "Wait (Y/N). Can I maybe take a picture with you? But only if you want to." Josh blushed a little and scratched his neck nervously. "Of course." you answered. Josh brought his cell phone out and was ready to take a picture. You stood next to him and putted your hand on his back. Josh did the same with his free hand and both of you smiled for the photo.

"Thank you (Y/N)!" Josh looked at you again with a wide grin. "No problem. I got to go now, see you soon Josh!" you said as goodbye and walked away. Josh went back to Tyler and told him about what happened and that you even knew who he was. Throughout the evening Josh looked several times at the photo and had posted it on all social media platforms. He still couldn't realize that he met you today and talked with you. For Josh came true a big wish and he was looking forward to seeing you again at the British music awards.

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