Late Night Trip~Josh

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"Come on, it's only a small jump!" Josh encouraged you, who kept his arms open and looked up to you. "Josh, I will not jump off the balcony!" you said seriously what made Josh roll his eyes. "Either now or never, Darling!" You looked to your room door and again to Josh. "And what if you don't catch me?" you called down worried and you leaned far over the terrain. "I promise you that nothing will happen!" he promised you then just settled his cap and then stretched out his arms. "I'll catch you, love! Don't be afraid!" before you could say anything you heard suddenly loud knocking. The noise came from the door of your room.

"Oh no!" you whispered and gave Josh signals with several waving hand movements to hide. Josh raised his eyebrows questioningly and his confused "Huh?" is hardly heard. You rolled your eyes. "Hide finally you idiot!" you called down and turned around quickly so that you could see that your bedroom door slowly opened. Quick you jumped on your bed and took your mother in reception, who looked at you questioningly.

"(Y/N)? Don't you sleep? It's 3 o'clock in the morning!" she told you and turned the room light on. Out of fear she would know what was going on, you prepared yourself mentally on every question that would come. "Why are you wearing your jacket? And why is your balcony door open, it's really cold outside!" she said freezing and crossed her arms. "Uhm.. Yes. So I wanted to go on the balcony... I can't sleep all night and I thought that a little fresh air would help me!" you were lying awkwardly.

She looked at you and supported this with an ironic 'Aha.' "You can't sleep? I couldn't sleep either in jeans and chucks, if you mean that." she replied knowing what was going on. Your mother wrapped her cardigan around her body, stepped a little on the open balcony door and called out loud: "Good evening Josh!" You pinched together your eyes, praying, that some miracle would happen. "Good evening misses (Y/L/N)!" Josh called back friendly and polite and came out of his hiding spot, a thorn Bush. "I hope you had your fun!" your mother called to him down, but Josh only scratched his neck and smiled ashamed.

"Then I hope you'll have fun." she smiled softly at you and you were surprised at her reaction. "Go rather out through the window, we don't want that someone notices you." she winked and went out of your room. You climbed this time through your window and well arrived by Josh. Now could your night trip start.

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