On Tour As Assistant~Josh

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The Emotional Roadshow has begun and as a professionell make-up artist you were asked to get the boys ready before the show starts. You've been around for three weeks now and you couldn't get rid of the feeling that Josh was trying to flirt with you all the time.

You had moved in your hotel room and made your hair before you made your way to the concert hall. There you went backstage into the styling room. Tyler and Josh will come in every moment, so you were getting ready. After a few minutes the door opened and you saw Tyler coming in with messy hair.

"Good afternoon (Y/N)." He smiled at you and sat down on the chair where he gets styled. "Good afternoon Tyler, how are you?" You asked him politely and started to style his hair. "I'm fine, thanks for asking." Tyler sometimes looked into the mirror or did something on his cell phone while you were styling his hair.

When you were done, he got up and started to pull on his white shirt for the show. You laid the items that you used to their place back where they were laying before. Many girls envy you for your job because you're very close to famous stars but it's nothing special for you because they're normal people who do their job.

The door opened again and a smiling Josh looked first at you and then shortly at Tyler before he sat down on the chair. He had wet hair probably he had showered before he came here.

"Hey (Y/N)." He looked at you through the mirror with a wide smile. "Hey Josh." You smiled sweetly back at him. "How are you doing (Y/N)?" "Good and you?" "I'm feeling great." He had smiled his typical Josh smile. You started to blow his hair and you noticed that he looked at you through the mirror all the time but you ignored it. His hair was dry and you put the hair dryer aside.

"I just noticed that you have really beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes (Y/N)." It was sweet that he always complimented you, but you didn't want to think about it anymore. Through the mirror you saw Tyler looking briefly at you and he shook his head smiling. "Thank you Josh, your eyes are really beautiful too." You answered him lightly laughing. You saw through the mirror that he turned a bit red and looked at his hands. His hair was ready and Josh got up to get dressed.

"Thank you (Y/N)." He said smiling and started to pull his shirt off. You laid the utensils back and realized that Josh was watching you again. "(Y/N)? Do you know where my shirt is for the show?" "That must hang on the wardrobe bar." You said without looking at him. "But it isn't here." He murmured and you turned around to look for the shirt, which you found in a few seconds. "It hung over the chair next to you Josh." You laughed lightly and made your way back to your desk.

"Could you help me to get on the black color (Y/N)?" Tyler looked to you and held the tube with the black color up. "Sure." You took a rubber glove and then started to put the color on his hands and neck. When you were done you pulled off the glove and noticed that Tyler left the room. Now only Josh and you were in the room. There was silence for a brief moment before he began to speak.

"Could you help me with the tie?" You turned to him and saw that he looked at you smiling slightly. "Sure." You went over to him and took the tie in your hand. "I think I've seen several times were you've made it on your own. Is there a reason why i should do it now?" You raised an eyebrow and looked at him and he became a little red. "It always looked better when you did it." He smiled and came closer to you.

You started to tie his tie for him and he looked into your eyes without interruption. After a few seconds of silence, he began to talk again. "Do you want to go out with me?" His voice trembled slightly and you noticed that he was a bit nervous. You looked into his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Josh. This is really sweet of you that you ask me but I have to say no. Don't think it's because of you, my boss wouldn't be so happy when I go out with one of you and I think other girls deserve it more to go on a date with you. They could offer you much more than I can." You've tied the tie ready and wanted to go back to your place but Josh held you by your wrist and turned you towards him.

"I know it's stupid with your boss but maybe we could meet without her knowing it . I think you're really great and you don't have to offer me anything. Believe me I don't want to have this date with another girl, I want to have it with you. Couldn't you give me a chance? " He looked at you imploringly and slowly released your wrist.

You know you shouldn't do that, but who can say no to Josh Dun? "Okay, but at first only one date, okay?" You looked at him smiling and saw his beautiful smile on his face appearing again. "Okay, can I pick you up at 7pm tomorrow?" "Yes, you can." You smiled at him again before you went back to the table.

"Oh (Y/N)?" You turned to him. "Could you help me to get this paint on?" He looked at you smiling and held the red color tube. "With pleasure." You went back to him and put the color under his eyes. "Thank you." He murmured softly. He gently bit his lip and looked briefly at your lips before he looked into your eyes again. The door opened and Tyler looked at the two of you grinning.

"We still have 5 minutes till the show starts. Are you coming Josh?" Josh nodded and looked at you again. "Good luck with the show." You murmured to him. "Thank you. I hope to see you again later." He murmured to you and went with Tyler to the stage where they will perform in a few minutes. You watched the show and Josh looked at you often or winked at you during the whole show. You knew after this evening that your date with Josh will be great. 

~Here's another Imagine and i hope you'll like it.~

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