Chapter 6 - Back Home

Start from the beginning

Anushka was trying her hands at writing some poetry on a lazy afternoon on Thursday. She was in her pyjamas, sitting cross-legged on the floor, sheets of papers all around her. Her hair was tied in a messy bun and strands of hair fell across her face as she bent down to write. Her nosering sparkled in the sunlight.

A doorbell was heard but she didn't get up to check as she was too busy in writing. The maid went to open the door. Anushka sratched her head and cut off what she had written and crumbled the paper.

"Now write peacefully, your muse has arrived madam", came a familiar voice from near the door.

Anushka jerked up her head and squealed in absolute delight. There stood her Pabsu, sporting a light stubble, his tall stature leaning casually against the door, looking like a Greek God.


Sweety jumped right up and ran down to hug him. She threw her hands around his neck and he lifted her up laughing.

"Pabsu! Pabsu! Pabsu!", Anushka squealed as Prabhas turned round and round, lifting her. "I just can't believe that you are here!"

"God! How much I missed this!", sighed Prabhas as he put her down and cupped her face. Anushka smiled gleefully, like a little child.

Prabhas bent down and kissed full on her lips. Anushka locked her arms around his neck and reciprocated with eagerness. As their smooch deepened, both of them could taste their hunger, passion, longing, and love for each other that they had kept at bay all these days.

Prabhas crashed on the couch with Sweety on his lap. He had his arms wrapped around her waist. Both of them chuckled in between their kisses. Anushka grazed her cheek on his stubble and kissed his earlobes, slowly making her way towards his neck.

"Looks like I need to get away more often...", smirked Prabhas. "I am really liking this kind of welcome..."

Sweety hit him on his arm and asked,

"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming today?!"

"This is called a surprise Sweety! And if I had told you, I wouldn't have been able to see your expression!", said Prabhas.

"And speaking of surprises, I've got another one for you", saying this he slid Sweety off his lap and went towards to take his jacket.

Sweety looked as he went, perplexed.

He returned, clutching something in his palm. He sat near her and it was then she saw what was in his hand. Her heart started beating faster. It was a small black velvet box - a ring box!

Anushka looked at him, hardly breathing. Prabhas held out his left palm with the box towards her and said,

"I had decided to get this the moment I had left you before going to US."

He nodded her to open the box, but she couldn't move her hands and she looked on. Prabhas chuckled decided to open it himself.

As he opened it, Anushka's eyes widened. She saw a sparkling single diamond on a thin golden band. She took the delicate piece in her hand and said in a small voice,

"It's a nosepin!"

"Yeah! Do you like it?!", asked Prabhas eagerly.

Anushka felt waves of disappointment washing over her. She had hoped for it to be something else. She, however hid it expertly behind her smile and exclaimed,

"Pabsu! It's just beautiful!"

The sunlight reflected off the magnificent stone, making it shimmer like a star.

"Try it on!", urged Prabhas.

Anushka removed the nosering she was wearing and wore the new one as Prabhas looked on.

"How's it?", she asked looking at him.

"Just perfect. I just love this new look of yours!", he said satisfied.

"You see for yourself in the mirror", he said.

"You loved it and that's enough.", said Sweety, reclaiming her position on his lap.

He kissed her nose, on the nosepin. She wrinkled her nose, smiling and rested her head on his chest while he cradled her in his arms.

They sat there for a long time, talking about the happenings of the days that they were away from each other. All the while she thought,

"It's not the perfect time's the right time for the nosering and not the other one...", Anushka sighed but didn't say anything to Prabhas.

But what she forgot was the fact that Prabhas always knew her thoughts, even when she didn't say anything. And that was right. Prabhas smiled to himself as he already knew what Sweety had hoped and expected.

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