Chapter 24

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Hey guys!! So i'm gonna fast forward since I don't want to write like 50-60 parts. So yeah. I'm gonna fast forward a year. PLZ DON'T HATE ME, JUDGE ME, OR THINK THAT'S STUPID!! This is a genius idea. TRUST ME!! :)



"Dude! It's been like 8 months now, and you still haven't contacted Kelsey?" I stopped and looked at Khris.

"Really? Dude...she hasn't contacted me. I still try to talk to her, but she comes." I took a good look at my future wife. (Yes, I wanted to marry her.)

"Hey Kelsey." She smiled.

"Hiya Sidney. How's hockey?" I shrugged.

"Fine. How've you been?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She replied.

"Good to hear." Things got a little awkward after that.



I felt bad about not talking to Sidney for almost a year, so I decided to text him.

ME: Hi
SID: Hey.
ME: What r u doing rite now??
SID: Uhhh nothing. y?
ME: Cuz i wanna hang out w/u
SID: Really??
ME: Yes really. now get ur lazy ass over here so we can cuddle.
SID: ;)
ME: <3

I had a channel surfing contest with Rebecca while I was waiting for Sidney. Rebecca is my brother's girlfriend.

"He's so gonna propose." She stated.

"Oh come on now. Why would he?! We haven't even seen each other for like 8 months!" I shot back.

"Why haven't you?" She asked me during mid-surf.

"Because of work. My boss told me that if I talk to Sidney one more time while I'm at work, I'm fired." She looked at me, then kept surfing the TV.

"Open the door!" My cuddle buddy!

"Becca, I hate to cut our time short, but please leave. Haha sorry. Not trying to be rude." She smiled, then left.

"It's open!" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Hi," he smiled.

"Hey handsome." I handed him a beer. "So my friends, all of my twitter and Facebook followers/friends think that you're gonna propose. Is that true? I mean...we haven't seen each other in 8 months. You've had hockey, and I've been on the verge of getting fired." He looked at me like the way he did when we first met.

"Happy anniversary." He kissed me, and then gave me another box.

Today was our anniversary?!

"So you are gonna propose?" I hoped it wasn't another promise ring. But it was a rock. A legit rock. I nearly cried, it was so damn beautiful!

"Oh my god. If you're popping the question, then yes! Most definitely yes!" He smiled.

"Nope. But good try." I replaced my smile with a frown.

"I love you baby. And you are my baby." He kissed me.


I went into the hospital for a check-up.

"Hi Kelsey." I looked over and saw Brandon Sutter sitting there.

"H-hi? W-what are you...d-doing here?" He smiled.

"Getting re-checked out. You?" I shrugged.

"Same here. But I'm just getting checked up. My hand has lost all of its feeling when I cut it off." He looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"Wait it did?! I thought you could use it?!" I shook my head.

"Nope. Well...not really, like I can like rest it somewhere or like put it on top of a button, but like I can't really use it that much." The nurse walked in for Brandon and I left then too.


"How's your hand?" I looked at it in state of confusion.

"Um...I...don't...I have this?" I was starting to feel dizzy and sick.

"Yes...I'm going to take some tests..." He started to talk to himself as he moved about the room in which I had no idea I was in. So I pulled out my phone and texted Sidney.

ME: Hi...

SID: How's the doctor??

ME: I feel saick. yet again.

SID: Well say something.

ME: I canr

ME: *can't*

SID: Its okay.

ME: K. Do u still love me????

SID: That's BS. Of course I still love u

ME: Sidney Patrick Crosby do not use that language with me.

SID: Okay mom. hahahaha i still love you...

ME: too...will you still love me if I pass out right now??

SID: Of course!! I will always love you. You know that. 

ME: Yeah. I am pretty great.

SID: You are not great. You are amazing at everything that you do in life. I hope one day that, if we want kids, that they look exactly like you because you are the most amazing, beautiful, talented, gifted girl I have ever met.  I <3 you Kelsey. And I will always <3 you 4ever and ever. 

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