Chapter 7

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I walked into the arena to find Sidney with Sutter. What the hell?!

"Sutter I thought you were in the hospital?!"

"I'm not 'Sutter', I'm John Tavares. the other person you're supposed to interview?" I nodded.

"Well...let's get this over with." I nodded at Jamie to let him know I was ready.


"What are your biggest challenges entering tonignt's game?"

"Well it's going to be keeping the puck in our reach. If we-me and Pyatt can keep the puck in line, then I think we can pull away a win."

"What about key players and plays for you guys?"

"Well besides me, I have strong beliefs that Taylor Pyatt, and Brandon Sutter will be some of our other key players. I don't believe Sutter is playing tonight. He's been sick for a few days. But I think some of the key plays will be to use power plays all throughout the game. Get the Islanders to roughen up the ice, make it harder on them, not so much on us." I got a text from my brother as I was doing the interview

Brandon: mom and dad just got divorced.

I froze at what just popped up on my screen. "Uh are you okay?" I was trying so hard not to cry.

"I've gotta get back to Pittsburgh!" I yelled.

"Kelsey! Calm down!" No I will not calm down.

"Back to you guys!" Jamie quickly said to cover us up.

"Do you guys want to be alone?" Sidney nodded as we sat on the ground, backs against the wall.

"Hey, calm down. It's okay. What happened? You were doing so great." I showed him my phone. "Look at the screen." I said with a shaky voice.

Brandon: mom and dad just got divorced.

"I though Brandon said that they loved us?" I buried my face into his chest.

"Hey it's alright." He rubbed my back as he set my phone down. "Don't cry. Please. I love you." He kissed my forehead.


I got a sinking feeling in my stomach knowing that my parents are divorced now.

I had to bail on the other interview. I just had to. "Jamie, I can't do the other interview, I have to head back to Pittsburgh. It's a family emergency." I ran past him.

"Yeah...that first one was..." I stopped.

"Disastrous? I know." My voice was still shaky as I looked at him.

"Kelsey," he started saying, "do you want to continue to do these interviews?" I finally calmed down.

"Not really. I would much rather write about athletes for ESPN articles." I looked away.

"I will let them know." He gathered up his camera stuff.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm not made for this." He gave me a quick hug. "Oh yes you are, you just don't know it yet."


"You alright?" I nodded.

"I'm okay. I just...I feel bad now. For calling Sutter all those mean goddamn big mouth." He put his arm around me.

"No. don't feel so bad." I rested my head onto his shoulder.

"I know. He was trying to sound calm. "I don't. I just...I just feel really bad for him...I'm sorry Sid. I didn't-." He pulled me in for a tight ug.

"It's okay." He kissed the top of my head.


Me: thx. for watching. It sucked that u texted me saying mom and dad got divorced.
Brandon: I'm sorry. I had to tell you. I thought you wouldn't care.
Me: Well I did. I instead, freaked out and had a panic attack on air. Thanks to you.
Brandon: Then idek why I even brought it up. I'm sorry
Me: ya ik. I'm sorry too.
Brandon: Hey hey hey. Stop it. I don't like it when you make yourself feel bad.
Me: I...look...I'm sorry but ive gotta go
Brandon: k. u coming back?
Me: yeah. I've gotta pack up and move. I GOT THE JOB!!
Brandon: does Sidney know that??
Me: yeah. Oh he knows
Brandon: That is KICK ASS
Me: Thank you.
Brandon: okay. Well...I'm going back to the courthouse
Me: k. see ya tomorrow

That made me feel even worse.

"Are you better now?" I looked up.

"Yeah. I'm better." I smiled as we walked over to his car.

"Don't you have a game?" He shrugged.

"Yeah, but I'll tell coach-."

"Nothing," I cut him off, "you will play tonight. And I'm going back to check on my parents." He smiled.

"That's a good idea. Try and make peace with them."

"Could you please try and make nice with mom?" He asked. "No! All I'll do is ruin it! Just like I ruin every other fucking thing in this world!" I yelled. "It's not like that!" He yelled back. It got real quiet all of a sudden.

"What's wrong? Was is something I said?" I remained quiet.

"No. I'm fine. Just...just keep doing what you're doing in the NHL. I'm sorry I ever even intervened in your career. All I do is ruin everything." He stopped the car.

"Don't say that. You're not intervening. You're the reason why-." I stopped him.

"I don't want to hear it. I'm done."

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