"He Awaits"

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Serenity led them to the counter, where a tall man stood behind a bulky, box-like contraption that almost looked like a type writer.

"Hello!" Serenity smiled happily. "I'll have a grande caramel frappachino."

"Got it," the man punched a few buttons and turned toward Landyn and Camden. "And for you ladies?"

"Gentleman, actually," Landyn said coldly. They weren't used to being misgendered. In their time period, if you wore men's clothes and had a short haircut, you were seen as a man and that was the end of the story. It usually didn't even cross people's minds that they could be women wearing men's clothes. "I'll have what she ordered."

"Err, yeah," Camden trailed off. "What's pun'kin spice?"

"One of our seasonal drinks," the man glanced up at the large menu. "I recommend it."

"Okay," Camden shrugged. "I'll 'ave that, then."



"He'll have a venti," Serenity stepped in and held out a small, plastic rectangle. Landyn grabbed my hand and led me to the other side of the counter, where Serenity promptly rejoined us.

The concept of a shop with just coffee and no alcohol was a lot for the boys to wrap their heads around. They didn't have such leisurely establishments in their time. Camden had been to the far future once before, but it had been overwhelming and he hadn't really gone anywhere or explored.

"So, I've explained the situation," Serenity began once they'd sat down with their coffees, "but I have yet to inform you why specifically I asked you here. I want you to join the fight."

"Ya want me to join yer war?" Camden asked incredulously. "I 'ave a schoo' to run! I 'ave finances to keep and fings to do! I don't 'ave time for a war."

"Perhaps, but when you have the power to manipulate time," Serenity smirked, "you have all the time in the world."

"So where do I come into the picture?" Landyn asked. "You said you wanted to talk about me as well."

"Yes, I certainly do," Serenity smiled. "There's something you should know. It's a prophecy of sorts, created when Rodney triggered Charlotte's Law and created the both of you. You are linked. It's very, very rare. I don't know of any other cases where it's happened.

"For simplicity's sake, that means your life forces are tied together, but it is so much more complex than that. You both hold a certain degree of magic in your blood. Camden's magic is that of time and space. Landyn, your magic is a much more elemental type. You are tied to the Earth and all of it's magnificent creatures. Of course, you don't know how to use this power yet, but it exists within you and you will come to know it. You simply have to awaken it."

"I've never exhibited any magic before!" Landyn exclaimed in protest. "You've got the wrong man, Madame Serenity. I would know."

"Ah, but you have exhibited the possession of magic," Serenity shook her head. "You just didn't realize. Have you not noticed that your plants and gardens grow much faster than others? Or that woodland animals and insects flock to you whenever you're around? What about the fact that you can bring the best flavor out of any natural ingredient, but can't seem to do it with man-made items?

"You are magical, Landyn. You have powers. You just haven't been pushed to unlock them yet. Soon, you will discover how great a power you possess, and you and Camden will continue to grow your powers and use them to the fullest."

"Wait, I 'ave powers I dunno about yet?" Camden asked. Serenity nodded.

"Absolutely," she smiled, "you must unlock them on your own, but I can at least tell you what they are. You have the power of prophecy. You can see into the future. In fact, when you see into the near future, you can even manipulate it and change the outcome. This is a power all Experts have. You also have the power to use time as a weapon. You can physically manifest the time continuum into the shape of a weapon of your choice, and use that weapon to rip your enemies apart and send their pieces to different time periods. It's gruesome, but could come in handy. This power is unique. I cannot do this, and neither could Rodney."

"I don't fink I want that power," Camden admitted, wincing at the thought.

"Hush," Serenity smirked knowingly, "let me continue. There is one other power that you have. This one we share, but Rodney did not have. We can speed up time for one individual or a group, but it's concentrated and doesn't affect the rest of the world. This is hard to explain, so I've brought something to show you."

Serenity pulled a small jar from her coat pocket and set it down. The jar was clear glass with a plastic lid that had holes punched in it. Inside, a small tree limb and leaves were gathered, and a bright green caterpillar crawled on the branch.

Serenity positioned her hands around the glass and furrowed her brow, concentrating. As they watched, the caterpillar turned into a cocoon, and finally it cracked and a bright blue butterfly crawled out onto the branch, stretching its new wings. Landyn gasped and clutched at Camden's hand, his eyes wide with curiosity and childish wonder.

"I can do that?" Camden asked, incredulous.

"Yes, you can," Serenity nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Cam, Cam!" Landyn started tugging on Camden's arm excitedly, practically bouncing up and down. "You have to try it!"

"I dunno if I'd trust meself wiv a living fing just yet," Camden shook his head, wringing his hands together nervously.

"Try it on the butterfly," Serenity coaxed. "Turn her back into a caterpillar. I have faith that you can do it."

Camden bit his lip and considered it, staring at the blue butterfly. He sighed and lifted his hands the way Serenity had, trying to channel some of this supposed time power into the insect. His rings grew warm on his middle fingers, uncomfortably so.

As they watched, the butterfly's wings curled in on themselves, its legs shrank, and it's body elongated. Before long, the caterpillar was back in the state it had started in. Camden gasped when it was over and looked down at his hands. They were wrinkled, as if they belonged to an eighty-year-old rather than a seventeen-year-old.

"Oh, don't worry," Serenity took his hands in hers. "This happens the first couple times. It'll go back to normal in a moment." And it did. Before five minutes were out, his hands were back to normal. He felt exhilarated.

He had never imagined that the time power went farther than just travel. To think of all the possibilities he could now accomplish!

To think of all the possibilities Kenn would have accomplished, but didn't. Camden's hands fell back down to his lap and he stared at them in curious confusion.

"You'll get the hang of everything soon," Serenity replied. "I would like to invite you to the Time Palace. I'll explain more later, but I actually have to go now. He awaits. Shall we bid farewell and be on our ways?"

Camden stood, ready to say good bye, but Landyn's hand tightened on his arm, nearly pulling him back down. He looked over at his boyfriend cautiously.

Landyn's skin had begun to turn bright red, his eyes were open but staring blankly, and he sat rigid in place. Then his grip loosened and he relaxed for a second. Then, a whole ten-count later, he started shaking and convulsing, seizing dangerously.

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