7: New Stuff

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Zander's POV

Tala has told Delta and Dex that we are a couple now, and they won't stop bugging me. They aren't even bugging Tala only me because I'm meant to be the emotionless leader. Tala has to leave in 3 days and I don't really know what is going to happen to us, but we are smart werewolves we will figure it out. 

I speed walk to Tala's room, my excitement bubbling over I couldn't contain myself. I quickly knock on her door and burst in taking her by surprise. I guess I was so caught up in my excitement, that I forgot she would still be sleeping since it was only 6:30. She glares at me but even that can't dampen my mood. I smile brightly at her while she still glares, I run to her bed and jump onto it rolling next to her she can't help but smile at me. 

"Morning grumpy" I smirk

"Morning Meanie" she frowns

"What was so important that you had to wake me up now?" she asks grumpily 

"Well, you the renovations....... they are finished!" I exclaim

"Yeah? So... what is so important about them?" she questions

"Oh yeah forgot that you don't know what it is, well it's a gym a giant one so our soldiers and hunters as well as regular werewolves can train" I finish 

"That's cool" she says getting up

"Where are you going?" I ask

"I'm gonna get changed then we can go and check it out" she explains

"Are you ordering the Alpha around" I say using my best Alpha voice

"Yes I am, but you know you love me" she smirks picking up her clothes and sauntering off

I wait patiently for her to get changed and then we head off to check out the new gym, I walk quite fast and Tala has to grab my arm to slow me down a few times. As soon as we are there I push open the doors and walk to the weights, while Tala gazes around in awe. Eventually she regains her train of thought and she wanders off to the treadmill. 

I can't help my gaze as it wanders to Tala working out, my eyes trail down to her behind and her head snaps up to face me. She catches me looking at her butt, and smirks calling out " Alpha would you stop staring at my butt" and since the gym was almost full and our voices carried everyone heard, staring at me. I turn to the werewolves and say " She's a little obsessed with me" and they buy it nodding, I earn myself a scowl from Tala's beautiful face.

After our work out session we head back to the house and have a shower, I lay on her bed thinking of what we might do. When Tala gets out of the bathroom I pat the bed beside me and she sits. "So Tala do you want to play a game?" I ask

"Yeah sure, what do you have in mind" she asks

"We could play 20 questions or truth or dare" I suggest

"Hmm how about both" she suggests

"Sure, truth or dare first" I say

"Okay truth or dare?" she asks


"Have you ever slept with someone" she grins

"yes once" I answer

"Truth or dare" I ask


"I dare you to run downstairs and find a group of wolves and tell them that you are pregnant, but don't say anyone's name okay"  I smirk

"Okay" she gets up and heads downstairs, I follow making sure she does it right.

She runs up to about a group of 17 year olds, and grins happily "I'm pregnant, oh and I'm only 19". They look at her in shock 1) because she ran out of nowhere and 2) because she is a guest they all know that and is pregnant in a matter of a week and a half. She runs back silently and we burst out laughing.

"That was so funny" Tala laughs

"I know I didn't know you were such a good actress"I say honestly

"You don't know much about me Moon" she purrs 

"truth or dare" she asks


"Are you being forced to get married, by your parents" she asks

"Not by my parents but by my other relatives, my parents are gone" I say sadly

"Oh babe I'm sorry-" she starts

"don't be I'm okay know, they passed away after a battle 3 years ago" I explain

"Moving on, truth or dare" I say trying to shake the sad feeling


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Guys the next few chapters are gonna be fillers, sorry.



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