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"The process in which a plant makes its food is called . . .? Miss Blake?"

I looked up from my sketchbook, not having been paying attention. Despite this, I already knew everything our biology teacher, Mrs. Simmons tried to teach us.

"The process in which a plant makes its food using sunlight as an energy source is called photosynthesis, Mrs. Simmons."

Disappointed she had no reason to get me in trouble, she pursed her lips. "Correct Miss Blake."

I smirked a little, looking over at Nick, my best friend, as he nudged me. "What's that supposed to be?" he looked down at my drawing. I looked down too, not even realizing I had been drawing something.

There was two orbs, both seemingly glowing, but one was a light blue, the other a bright red. The rest was hard to make out, because of how shaded it was, but there was also unrecognizable symbols scattered across the paper.

I shrugged at him in response.

As he turned back toward the front, paying attention to the lecture, I turned and looked out the window and noticed a blue Peterbilt with red flames parked across the street.

As he turned back toward the front, paying attention to the lecture, I turned and looked out the window and noticed a blue Peterbilt with red flames parked across the street

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"Mom, I'm home!" I called out, my voice echoing throughout the house. Instead of the woman I called mother, my baby brother started running down the stairs towards me, toy katana in his arms.

"Sister!" He squealed as he launched himself at me. I instinctively caught him, as he has done this many times before. The first time was as soon as he was able to walk, and he ended up with a split lip. Mom, of course, blamed me for it, and I was grounded for a month.

"Hey buddy," I ruffled his dark hair. He pouted, playfully glaring at me with his emerald green eyes. I laughed at him, and set Damian down. "Have you seen Mom?"

Damian pursed his lips. "Mother is at work still."

I sighed. Of course she worked late on my birthday. Knowing her, she probably forgot about it too. Damian, sensing my disappointment, grabbed my hand.

"I made cake, BriBri."

"Did you now?" I laughed as he lead me into the kitchen. There, sitting on the table, was a very messy blob of a cupcake.

"Isn't it perfect, BriBri?"

I looked at his cheerful face, then back at the cake. Not wanting to hurt his feeling, I answer, "Uh, yeah."

He looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to eat it. I sighed, picking it up hesitantly. As I was about to take a bite, I happened to glance out the kitchen window.

There parked across the street, was the same damn truck.

There parked across the street, was the same damn truck

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Sorry it was short but yay, update!

Cameron Boyce as Nick Mathews

Cameron Boyce as Nick Mathews

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Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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