chapter 3

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I was woken by the sun shining through her bedroom blinds. I turned over on my side to see her beautiful face, sound asleep. Not taking my eyes off of her, I grabbed my phone from the bedside table. The time was 10:27am. Just then I felt a light touch on my arm. Her eyes fluttered, and once they were open she smiled at me.
"Goodmorning." She said smiling through a yawn.
"Cam how you feeling?" I asked.
"Huh?" She asked, looking confused.
"You were super drunk last night, I carried you to bed." I replied. I wasn't sure if she remembered everything that happened the night before.
"Oh I know. I asked you to stay with me." She said laughing. Wow, she really did mean it, I thought to myself.
"So should we talk about us now?" I said pulling myself up to sit beside her. She didn't get up, but looked up at me with loving eyes.
"Kj I don't know what I want. I hate to do this to you but we have to keep our fling a secret." She said clinging to my bicep.
I looked down at my phone, not knowing how to respond. Would she continue to lead Ian on?
"I'm sorry." She said. A tear shed from her eye as she reached for my hand. I held her hand, emotionless. I looked at her pretty face. It was full of confusion and longing. I carefully wiped away her tear with my thumb, and embraced her in a hug.
"Cami can I ask you one thing?" I ask.
"Yes?" She replied quietly, letting go from our hug.
"Do I make you happy?"
"Kj you're one of my favorite people I can't imagine my life without." She says fighting back tears.
"Then of course I'm going to fight for you, one hundred percent."
I take her face in my hands she kisses me intensely. The way she makes me feel is like no other. Our lips release and I look into her eyes.
"Secret girlfriend, why don't we to get ourselves some breakfast?" I say getting up from the bed.
"That sounds incredible." She says with a smile. I put my pants on over my boxers, neglecting my shirt and follow my beautiful girl out of her room.
All of the remaining cast mates were already up and starting breakfast in the kitchen.
"Aw we thought we would surprise you guys with breakfast!" Lili hollered once she saw us appear in the kitchen.
"That was thoughtful Lils." Cami replied.
"Kj where did you even sleep?" Cole questioned. I bit my lip and my face turned bright red.
"Let's not talk about it." I said laughing. I looked to Cami for a better response but she didn't say anything. She just giggled and kissed me on the cheek softly.
"God damnit you two are head over heels." Cole blurted out.
"I feel uninformed." Lili said somewhat sarcastically.
"A different time you guys, it's a long story." Cami told the group.
"Well I'm ready to hear all about it." Madelaine said taking a seat at the island barstool. Cami and I realized that we should probably inform our friends of our affair. We all took a seat around the island on the barstools and ate our breakfast as Cami started to explain.
"Okay well Kj and I are, I guess you could say, secretly a thing." The group gasped in awe. I set my hand down on her thigh, letting her know I was there for support, as she continued.
"Let me go on, so I'm still with Ian, to his knowledge, so that means you all cannot say anything about this little affair we have going on. I know it sounds shady but this is what I want." She explained. The cast bashed on Camila for cheating on her boyfriend with me, but eventually came to the realization that this was how it was going to be. Luckily, they supported the idea of Cami and I being together. After a few more minutes our friends left her apartment and we were alone in the kitchen. I wrapped my hands around her waist, hers around my neck.
"Thank you for dealing with my craziness." She said looking at me.
"I'm proud of you. For telling them." I said kissing her soft lips. Now that our secret was out to the gang, we were free to talk to them about any problems we would be faced with. The idea of being with Camila was a something I had only wished for. I wasn't typically the type of guy to make commitments, but I would have to live up to her expectations and be there for her. It was something I had never fully experienced.
Let me know what you think/what you want (or think should) to happen.

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