chapter 2

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Cami's POV:

I slide my legs off his body and lie down next to him on the bed.
"Kj I'm sorry we can't." I say looking up at the ceiling.  He sighed.
"I'm pretty much already cheating and I'll feel even worse if we fuck." I say.
"I get it." He says.  Although he sounds upset.
"You probably don't, but Kj, we can't go to work tomorrow after having sex and pretend like nothing happened." I say pulling myself up to sit.
"Cami you can't have it both ways." He says.
"I want you, Kj.  But I cannot cheat." I say hopelessly.  Kj gets off the bed and reaches for my hand to help me up.
"So then what am I? Your fuck buddy?" He asks. I hug him close to me and say,
"No Kj, you are so important to me." I assured him.
He grabbed my hand and started out my bedroom door.
"We're not going to talk about this?" I asked him.
"There's nothing to talk about, we clearly can't be together." He said. I could tell in his voice that he was pissed.

I can't tell what she wants.  I hate knowing that every time we're together, Ian is in the back of her mind.  But if I wanted to pursue the girl, I would have be okay with the back and fourth.  I held her hand as we walked down the stairs to the party.  I kept thinking to myself that I was just digging a deeper hole.  The more I became attached to her, the more I would have to remove myself.  Not that it mattered.  I would be working with her for the next year, most likely more. 
"Where have you two been?" Lili asked.  She was definitely drunk.
"Just upstairs, let's dance Lil," Cami said and ripped her hand out of mine.
The rest of the party continued on and Camila kept giving me hints that she wanted to pursue me.  She was caught in the middle of two guys, and it didn't seem like she cared much about it.
Once the party had died down a bit, everyone gathered in the living room to play a game.  Most of the cast had a few too many drinks and were saying just about everything on their minds.  Camila sat right beside me, her leg was on top of my thigh as we sat on the carpet. 
"Spin the bottle!" Lili shouted and placed an empty beer bottle between the group. 
"Cami go first!" Madelaine shouted.
Cami took the bottle in her hand and spun it.  It landed on herself. 
"Cami your question is: what's the worst thing you've ever done?" Asked Cole, whom was reading the questions aloud.
"Cheated on Ian!" She said giggling and collapsing her body onto mine.  She was so gone, and I couldn't help but laugh at her.
"Oh shit Apa! Get some!" Charles said patting me hard on the back.  My face turned a bright shade of red. 
As the evening turned into early morning, the remainder of the cast decided it would be best to crash at Cami's place. 
Cami was in no condition to walk herself up to bed so I took it upon myself to carry her upstairs. I gently placed her in her bed and kissed her on the cheek softly.  Just as I was leaving the room I heard her voice,
"Kj, can you please stay here with me?" She asked.
"Uhh sure, are you okay with that?" I asked, approaching her lying in her bed.
"Yes, I just asked you to, you dangus." She said.  Wow, she was cute when she was annoyed with me.  I removed my shirt and pants, leaving me with only my boxers and climbed into bed beside her.  It wasn't exactly how I envisioned our night to turn out, but guess who slept beside the girl? Not the New York love that is.
Let me know what you thought of this chapter! Xo
Next chapter should be up in the next few days.

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