IX: Choo Choo Santa Fe

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As you can assume, Connor was psyched that Miranda was coming.

"So Connor, Miranda, let's review what we know about the prophecy."

"Alright. We need Miranda because of her amazing heritage, we need me because I'm fabulous and can steal, and we need you because you're related to Morpheus. If we fail we'll never get dreams ever again. Now, all we need to figure out is where we need to go."

"Wait you haven't figured that out?!"

"Course not, I live by a simple philosophy you see, Hakuna Matata."

"Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase."

"Means no worries, for the rest of your days!"

"Look as cute as that is, we're not going to be doing this again."

"Does anybody know where or what the city different is?"

"Well... um no."

"I have an idea. It's extremely far-fetched but it could work"

"Speak and tell."

"Well in my dream, the creepy lady was referring to Newsies."

"Yeah, so?"

"One of the characters wants to go to Santa Fe, Santa Fe is often referred to as the city different."

"North you're a genius!"

"Never thought I'd hear those words."

"Well we should probably go, shouldn't we?"

"Yeah, I'll go tell Chiron that we'll need Argus to drive us to the ai-"



"No, we're going on a train that's bound for Santa Fe."

"But it would be fast-"

"I don't care, we're doing this Newsies style!"

"You stubborn little-"

"Miranda, don't even try he's not going to change his mind."

"Fine, I'll tell Chiron to get us some train tickets," she spat, gritting her teeth.

I knew it was probably a horrible idea, but like Miranda said, I'm stubborn. You see, when I was 7, Newsies came to my hometown. My mom got us tickets to go and watch, I fell in love with it in an instant. The dancing, the music. It had kind of been a dream of mine to be a Newsie and this was the closest I was ever going to get. Even if this quest was a nightmare, I was ready to do this Newsies style.

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